Monday, 18 June 2007


1. What has many keys but cannot open even a single lock?

2. There are five apples in a basket and five people in a room. Could you given each of them an apple and yet keep on ein the basket?

3. What do you get if you add 1 to 22 five times?

4. What is worse than finding a worm in an apple?

5. Two Fathers and two sons shot three partidges. Yet each took one partridge home. How is that?

6. How many lines has a gramphone record?

7. Could you find the name of a part of the body hidden in the following sentenses?__ The art class will be closed for two weeks.

8. If Dr. Sinha gave Mr. Prasad five tablets and told him to take one tablet every half hour, how long would they last him ?

9. Radha is taller than Sunita, and Sudha is taller than Radha. Who is the shortest of the three women?

10. A bullock Cart covers 12 kms in two hours. The distance it will cover in 6 hours is.?

11. Runs all day but never walks; it has a bed, but never sleeps, What is it?


1. Type Writer; 2. You give one of them the basket with an apple in it; 3. Twenty-three every time; 4. Finding half a worm; 5. There were only three persons - a son, a father and a father's father, 6. One, 7. Heart, 8. Two Hours, 9. Sunitha, 10. 36 kmtrs, 11. A river.

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