Thursday, 25 October 2007

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We Are Cheats

Manager of Drapery Store: “What do you mean by arguing with that lady? Let her have her own way. Remember, a customer is always right”.

Assistant: “But she said we are cheats”

Looks Like 6

Customer: A man went into a pawnbroker’s shop and asked for a loan. The proprietor offered to give the loan but would charge 9 per cent interest. The customer object to such a high rate.

“Nine per cent”, said he, “is excessive; it is neither a right nor lawful rate. Don’t you know the Lord looks down on such questionable transactions at this?”

Pawn Broker: “Very well, my friend, but when the Lord looks down on 9 it looks like 6”.


Still Hungry

Street Performer: “Ladies and gentlemen”, in a few moments I will astonish you by eating coal, stones, and nails. I will also swallow a sword, then I will come round with a hat, hoping to get enough money for a piece of bread”.

Voice from the Crowd: “What! Still hungry?”

Dramatic Manner

Man: A man applied for an opening at a London theatre, “I enclose a newspaper cutting” he said “to show you I have an aptitude for the stage.

The cutting read as follows:

“The prisoner, who denied that assault, conducted his own case and defended himself in a dramatic manner.”

Oats Reduce High Blood Cholesterol

Oat is a species of Cereal grain. They are the seeds of the plant Avena Sativa. Oat consumption by humans dates back to 400 BC. It was described as a bulk former, a healing agent and effective dessicant when applied to the skin. Oats are used as food for people and fodder for animals.
Oats are mainly consumed as a breakfast food and snack product. Oat products are available as rolled flakes, quick and instant flakes, Oat flour and Oat Bran.
Oats are valuable source of carbohydrates, which provide calories for energy needs. They are also rich in starch and fibre. Oats are also rich in higher concentration of balanced protein than any other cereals. Oats are of great value especially for vegetarians. They provide useful amounts of the vitamins thiamine, riboflavin and B6 and the minerals, calcium, magnesium, iron and zinc. Besides those, they contain small amounts of vitamin E, folic acid and potassium.
Oats also contain essential vitamins, minerals, fatty acids, soluable fibre and plant chemicals to protect humans from chronic diseases. Oats are also valuable sources of soluble fibre which can help reduce high blood cholesterol levels.
Oat extract can be used to soothe the skin conditions, e.g. in baths, skin products etc

How To Derive Happiness?

We all like to have a life where we have everything we wish for. Imagine for a while, we are blessed with everything we desire. But how can one enjoy such a life without feeling the boredom at its tail end? It goes well with the saying ‘Too much of anything is too bad’. In order to enjoy the real happiness one must look forward to for happiness – born of hard work.
A few life’s lessons prove the validity of hard work. Suppose a person inherits wealth beyond count, looks happy – with many servants, modern bungalow and enviable clothes. We have yet another person who toils throughout the day and earns the amount needed for the smooth running of his family. Who, between these two, realises the real happiness that hard work brings in life? Surely the latter. It is because the person that inherited, has only to spend from the wealth given to him. Likewise, true happiness comes to a hardworking student who passes his exams with good percentage of marks. When the results are declared he is the happiest person for he reaped good results from his dedicated work. Your attitude to work hard develops your discipline, concentration and selfconfidence.
To aid your hard work, positive bent of mind is necessary in every walk of life. We must realise that day and night, joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, success and failure, gain and loss are shadows of each other. Without pain we won’t be able to enjoy comforts. Likewise different types of experiences teach us different lessons. Each lesson must help us to hsarpen our mind to have a matured outlook over life.
Do believe that God never gives us any tough situation that we cannot handle. Never feel upset when you are in trouble. Just give an auto-suggestion to yourself, 'I can tackle this. That is why God is making me face it'. This attitude helps you discover your hidden power within you to fight out the troubles. Get set and go on the path of happiness.
Meditation kills all pains, sufferings and sorrows. Meditation induces a sense of oneness. Meditation is a balloon or a parachute or the aeroplane that helps the aspirant to soar high into the realm of eternal bliss, everlasting peace and undying joy.___ Swami Sivananda...

Character Makes Personality

Every act leads to a habit.
Every habit directs behaviour.
Behaviour forms character.
Character makes personality.
Personality gives success and joy to life..................

Why Are We Here?

Why are we here?
To help each other!
Help as many as you can to lift the load on the rough road of life!
He who helps others is helped by God! _____J.P. Vaswani

What are GAMMA Rays?

Gamma rays are streams of electro-magnetic waves. They are given off from elements such as radium, when they undergo a process known as radioactive decay.
In 1899 the British Physicist Ernest Rutherford began a study of radioactivity. He found three types of radiation which he called alpha, beta and gamma rays. Alpha rays were stopped by a thin sheet of paper, beta rays could get through several millimetres of aluminium and gamma rays could pierce quite thick pieces of lead.
Alpha rays travel up to 12,000 miles a second; beta rays from 80,000 to 180,000 miles a seco0nd, and gamma rays at 186,000 miles a second, the speed of light.
Gamma rays have proved very helpful in medicine and industry. These rays are also given off by radioactive isotopes.


Allicin, in garlic produces a strong odour. Garlic is used all over the world for flavouring various dishes. It is also used as a medicine for various ailments.

Cauvery Spreads Across Three States

Cauvery rises in the Western Ghats in the Brahmagiri hills. The river assumes great significance and is associated closely with the lives of the people of Karnataka and Tamil Nadu. Originating in the springs of the Western Ghats and discharging the same into the Bay of Bengal, enroute, it enriches the Bay of Bengal, enroute, it enriches the deltaic plains of Tiruchirapalli and Tanjore districts of Tamil Nadu.
Cauvery and its tributaries and their hinterland neighbourhood have natural sanctuaries of wild life and floral wealth, coromondel shrub forests and mangroves representing echo systems which have nurtured biological diversity.
Two major dams were constructed on the river. One at Krishna Raja Sagar and the other at Mettur in the twenties and thirties of the 20th century. The river systems have a reasonable flow only five months in the year.

They are rich

They are rich who are content with what they have.
Even a king is but a miserable pauper when he feels his vast kingdom not enough for him.


You cannot teach a child to take care of himself unless you will let him try to take care of himself. He will make mistakes; and out of these mistakes will come his wisdom.
__ Henry Ward Beecher.

Today – Friend of Man

With every rising of the sun think of your life as just begun. The past is cancelled and buried deep. All yesterdays, let them sleep. Concern yourself with today. Grasp it and teach it to obey your will and plan. Since time began, ‘today’ has been the friend of man.

Enrich Your Vocabulary-1

Sepiennial: Occurring every seven years.

Tricennial: Occurring every thirty years.

Tricentennial: 300th anniversary; occurring every 300 years.

Triennial: Occurring every three years; continuing or persisting for three years.

Triweekly: Occurring every three weeks.

Chilliad: 1000 years; Millennium.

Palynology: Study of pollen in connection with plant-geography, dating of fossils, allergies etc.

Aetiology: Study or Philosophy of causation or causes of disease.

Agronomy: Science of soil management and crop production.

Anatomy: Science of animal or plant structure; Dissection of human body or plants.

Anthropology: Study of human kind, especially Societies and Customs.

Cosmology: Science of the Universe.

Way to Peace..,,,

Devotion and Dedication,
Concentration and Conviction,
Introspection and Reflection,
Discrimination and Renunciation,
These are the physical
And mental actions
To attain perfection and realization
Which result in peace
And satisfaction.


Why do you ask my name
I am not a child of man
I am the child of God
He sent me to this world
Only with this instruction
'You are my child
Don't forget this truth'
My name is divinity
Sent to this world
Only to serve humanity
To know Reality and not
To get lost in the majority.


I am ready to live, i am ready to die.
God is with me, why should I cry?
I am free from worry
I am always in joy
God is my refuge
I am his boy

What is LOVE?

Love is not just an emotion
But an action.
Are you willing to serve
Them whom you love?
If not, then it
Is only an empty word.

Love cannot be expressed through
Words. Those who say 'I love you'
Are only trying to pull down
That ideal to the sensory level.

Love for God is the
Highest expression of that
Noble sentiment. Love for
One's own body is the
Most degraded form of
That wonderful emotion.

Sufferings are Welcome

Sufferings are good for they
-----Help us to work out our Karma.

Sufferings are better for they
-----Open our eyes to reality.

Sufferings are best for they
-----Give us strength to bear them.

Those who are afraid of sufferings
-----Are not yet matured.
-----Let them wait.


Remember that you are
-----A living being
Lest you should become
-----A machine

Remember that you are
-----A human being
Lest you should become
-----An animal

Remember that you are
-----A divine being
Lest you should become
-----A demon.

You are Unique

The world is a machine
-----We are its parts.
Why do you say
-----You are apart?
All are great
-----No one is small.
The machine cannot run
-----Without the tiny bearing ball.


Faith, Faith, Faith in ourselves, faith, faith in God - this is the secret of greatness.__ Swami Vivekananda..,,,,

Live with Honour

Live with honour
-----Don't care for money
A few get honour
-----But many get money

Life is short
-----Earn merits many
Better to die then
----To be mean and puny.

=====Mother Theresa

Hell AND Heaven

Where evil is alive
-----And virtue is dead
That is the place
-----People call hell
Where virtue is alive
-----And evil is dead
That is the place
-----Where gods dwell

Demon is he who
-----Is slave of passion,
Plenty of greed but no compassion,
-----He feels happy
When others are sad,
-----And feels sad when
Others are glad.

ThInK pOsItIvE

You were never bad.
-----It was only you thought
That you were so.
-----Change your thought and say
'I am good' prove that
-----Through your actions
And that very moment
-----You are good.
Why do you worry
-----That you have done wrong,
Show me a single person
-----Who is perfect and strong,
Now follow the right path
-----Don't repeat your wrongs,
God is merciful
-----And will help you along.


Simply saying ' I am good'
-----Is not better than
A piece of dry wood.
-----Lead a life of sainthood,
Discarding all that is crude
-----That is the way
To prove your manhood.
-----Then alone can
You raise your hood
-----And say with pride,
I have proved that
-----'I am good'.


Success is better than failures
Failures are also welcome
If one can learn lessons from them
But perfection is unique
Which always leads to success.
Then why not struggle to be
Perfect in whatever we do?


Education is the manifestation of the perfection already in man.--Swami Vivekananda

Dispassion is the Best

It is always better
To have compassion.
Passion is also not bad
If it brings peace and
Happiness to one and all.
But dispassion is the best
For it leads to Self-realization.

Be Positive

Carelessness is the worst
Enemy of man,
The root cause
Of all evils. It is because of
Our carelessness that we are
Born here as mortals, though
We are immortal divinities.

All can help if you are
Willing to accept their help.
But your ego will not allow
you to do so. Be humble and
Friendly with one and all that
Will give you peace.

Joy of Renunciation

Renunciation out of frustration
Leads to depression,
Conflicts and failures.
But renunciation out of a
Strong desire for perfection leads
To peace, happiness and success.

Renunciation does not mean
Giving up something which is
Near and dear to our heart.
But it means embracing the
Whole world as our own family.
But expansion.

Renunciation can never be a
painful affiar, It is
Only keeping aside small things
In order to achieve great things.
It is a journey from finite to infinite.


The national ideals of India are Renunciation and Service. Intensify her in those channels, and the rest will take care of itself.------Swami Vivekananda

Renunciation and Service

It is ridiculous to shirk one's
Responsibilities or to run away
From the society in the name of
Renunciation. It is a mental attitude
Which can be practised
In the midst of
Tremendous activity
By developing the
Spirit of Detachment

Renunciation is not for a beggar
But for a man of possessions.
First achieve something in order
To renounce, so that you can
Serve others.
Without service
Renunciation is incomplete.

True Greatness

Keep your mind closed to every undesirable, destructive and depressing thought. There is no altitude too high for your aim and aspiration. As you daily develop increased power you will be better ready for increased service. Remember true greatness is expressed in love, reverence, honour and nobility.

How are Pearls Cultured ?

Pearls are symbols of purity and perfection. They are created inside living animals – freshwater and marine molluscs. Pearls are found in different shapes, sizes and colours. Cultured pearls are popular for their beauty and splendour.
Natural pearls are formed when an irritant such as a tiny stone or a particle of sand gets inside the mollusc’s shell by chance. Slowly a shiny substance called nacre is secreted around the object to protected around the object to protect the soft internal surface of the mollusc. When many layers of nacre coat the irritant, a pearl is formed. The shiny texture of the pearl is due to the reflection of light from this overlapping layers. The process of pearl formation may take up to seven or eight years.
Cultured pearls appeared first in 1930s. Pearl-culturing is known as periculture. By pearl-culturing, pearls can be produced in different forms. In order to make cultured pearls, foreign particles are deliberately inserted into a living oyster through a surgery.
The most valuable pearls are symmetrical, large, naturally produced and have a shiny surface. The size and shape of a pearl depends on the species of mollusc, how long it took to form and other factors.
Major oyster beds are found in the Persian Gulf, along the coasts of India, Sri Lanka, and the Red Sea. Chinese pearls come mainly from freshwater rivers and ponds, where as Japanese pearls are found near the coast in salt water.
The best-known sources of pearls are marine molluscs especially the pearl oysters, conchs and abalone found worldwide.

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