1. Q. What is Bovine Epidemic?
Ans: Bovine Epidemic is a disease that spreads among the buffalo and the cow population at a given time. The MadCow Syndrome which spread in Britain in 1999, was an instance of bovine epidemic, as a result of which beef and veal imported from non-european countries was banned in stores there. Recently, the German Government announced that it would slaughter an estimated 4,00,000 heads of cattle in an attempt to curb the mad-cow disease. This would cost some £ 120 million to the exchequer.
2. Q. What are Probiotics ?Ans: Probiotics simply means "for life". A probiotic is the term to denote a naturally occurring group of organisms. These cultures of micro-organisms or biological products are able to multiply in the pet's intestinal tract to create a balanced microflora. This prevents undesirable organisms (pathogens) to colonies in the intestine.
The intestinal tract contains receptor sites. When probiotics enters the digestive system, they will occupy these receptor sites, restricting the attachment of destructive bacteria. Probiotics keep the gut at a desirable pH thus allowing for the growth of "good" bacteria. Also these "friendly bacteria" produce a natural antibiotic like substance called Bactericine which helps to eliminate unwanted coliforms. The end result is healthy, viable intestinal lining that can maintain optimal nutrient absorption capabilities.
3. Q. What are Super Bugs ?
Ans: In Super Bugs the non-indigenous microbes to a contaminated site are added to enhance the actual degradation of the contaminant. But by latest research, it has been seen that it is not true. It has been observed that money may be better spent determining the degradation potential for the existing microbial community, looking for cometobolic enzyme potential, and then stimulating those mocroorganisms. Many studies have been performed that demonstrate commercial 'super bugs' typically are not the ones doing the degrading at a site.
4. Q. What is the concept of Fatherland?
Ans: It is the same as that of Motherland. We call India our Motherland because it is deep-rooted in our culture and ethos. However, the Nazis started calling Germany their Fatherland in the 1930s with the rist of Adolf Hitler. The term Fatherland is also used in many other European nations for their native land.
5. Q. What is meant by Terminator Seed Technologies?
Ans: The Terminator Gene Techniques suggest that the technology creates transgenic plants in which expression of certain traits is introduced either by the application of an external stimulus through hybridisation or by the direct introduction of an enzyme. Transgenic plants are transformed into Terminators by introducing into their genomea series of functionally inter-related DNA sequences or genes.
'Terminator' technology, a biotechnological innovation patented in the United States, could deal a fatal blow to millions of resource-poor farmers in developing countries as it portends great dange to food security world wide. The patent titled "Control of Plant Gene Expression" is meant to alter seeds genetically so that crops raised using them do not yield seeds that germinate.
6. Q. What is Hibernation ?
Ans: Hibernation generally refers to animals which spend the winter in a state like deep sleep. Any person or process that reaches an almost stagnation point for a long period of time is said to be in hibernation.
7. Q. What is Homeopathy and who founded it ?
Ans: Homeopathy is a system of medicine that was introduced by a German Physician Hahnemann in 1796. It is based on the belief that "like cures like", and that the action of drugs are potentiated by dilution.
8. Q. What is Fabianism?
Ans: Fabianism is another kind of socialism. It believes in establishment of socialism through evolutionary methods. It aims at the promotion of the general welfare of society through peacefuland democratic method. It justifies socialism from economic, moral and personal grounds. It believes in the improvement of the conditions of the labourers of society. It also advocates the abolition of private property in land and transfer of industrial capital to the community so fare as possible. On the whole, Fabianism advocated the elimination of social injustice. Progress is, therefore, very slow here. Fabianism first originated in Great Britain towards the last part of the 19th century. A group of intellectuals like G.B. Shaw, graham Walls, Annie Besant, sidney and Beatrice Webb, formed the Fabian Society in Great Britain.
9. Q. What is Euthanasia ?
Ans: Euthanasia means mercy-killing. It is the process of bringing about of gentle and painless death for a person suffering from a painful and incurable disease or extreme old age. On Nov. 28, 2000, the Netherlands became the first country to allow mercy-killings after Parliament passed a Bill legalising euthanasia. Elsewhere in the world, only the US State of Oregon allow a form of Euthanasia.
10. Q. What is Cloud-Sedding?
Ans. Cloud-sedding is a process in which silver iodide is sprayed on the monsoon clouds. The chemical acts as condensation material and effects precepitation of clouds or in otherwords in formation of water drops and subsequently effects rainfall. The process is considered environmentally safe and is practised in a number of countries to enhance crop productivity.
11. Q. What is alienation ?
Ans: Alienation means unfriendly or hostile. However, in legal system it means power of disposing of or transferring an interest in property to another person.
12. Q. What is Acid Rain ?
Ans: Acid Rain is a form of pollution in which the rain water contains greater than normal acidity. Oxides of sulphur and nitrogen generated by burning of fossil fuels in power plants, pulp and paper mills, mining, smelting operations and other industrial processes are constantly released into atmosphere. Tall chimneys released the oxides high in the atmosphere and before they can drop to the ground, they have enough time to combine with atmospheric moisture and underthe action of sunlight to become acid. Precipitation of such particles is acid rain.