Akara, ukara makara iti... amatras chaturtho... aumkara...... MANDUKA UPANISHAD 1-1-8 and 12
The syllable 'aa' the syllable 'uu' the syllable 'ma'... and the syllable without a sound, these are the four syllables of the sacred mantra Aum.... Eka eva tridha smrithaha Gaudapada 'kARIKA'
The three states, (the waking, dreaming and pure intelligence) are controlled by the one which is beyond the three.
You are a beautiful creative expression of the deep silence of infinity. You may not be aware of this in your waking or dreaming states, but the pure intelligence that runs your being knows this very well, for its roots are nourished by infinity all the time. At this very moment, if you can somehow touch that pure intelligence, you can reach out into the silence. Touching the deep silence is what is called being enlightened. It is a simple everlasting moment of great joy and a life altering experience. It will release you into a freedom beyond imagination. Deliver a bliss beyond expression. Reveal a truth beyond articulation. This is the essential wisdom of the great Mandukya Upanishad, a wisdom that has been accepted unquestioningly by all eastern religions as the core truth of existence. The big question is how to make that connection. The other realm seems to be out of bounds for us. All our lives are spent in the waking or dreaming states. We never touch the state of pure intelligence, so reaching the deep silence appears out of question. There isn't any mechanism that directs our energies inward. The waking state allows us to interact with the world and fulfill our ambitions, but all its energies are expressed into the world outside. The dreaming state seems to be totally useless since it takes us to a weird irritational domain, which vanishes into thin air the moment we wake up.
The Mandukya reveals the connection technique. It is meditation on the syllable AUM. The AUM is the core mantra of Hinduism. It is a most powerful and sacred word. The AUM has the power to take you from the waking state into the deep silence and deliver you into the arms of the infinite.
The AUM has four syllables, each syllable corresponds to each state of being. the 'AA' relates to the waking state, the 'UU' to the dreaming state, the 'MM' to the state of pure intelligence, and the fourthsyllable of 'AUM' is the syllable without a sound, the 'amatras' )literally 'that which is beyond a mantra or syllable') that corresponds to the deep silence of infinity. When the AUM is chanted in the mind, it has to be expressed as a combination of the four syllables. Start with the 'AA' sound, then slowly morph it to the 'UU' sound, then flow into the 'MM' sound and then slowly taper the 'MM' into silence but keep flowing, for you are now uttering the fourth syllable which is pur silence. Keep flowing into the silence for a long moment before resuming the chant. This is the technique. .... By MANI SHANKAR
The Mandukya reveals the connection technique. It is meditation on the syllable AUM. The AUM is the core mantra of Hinduism. It is a most powerful and sacred word. The AUM has the power to take you from the waking state into the deep silence and deliver you into the arms of the infinite.
The AUM has four syllables, each syllable corresponds to each state of being. the 'AA' relates to the waking state, the 'UU' to the dreaming state, the 'MM' to the state of pure intelligence, and the fourthsyllable of 'AUM' is the syllable without a sound, the 'amatras' )literally 'that which is beyond a mantra or syllable') that corresponds to the deep silence of infinity. When the AUM is chanted in the mind, it has to be expressed as a combination of the four syllables. Start with the 'AA' sound, then slowly morph it to the 'UU' sound, then flow into the 'MM' sound and then slowly taper the 'MM' into silence but keep flowing, for you are now uttering the fourth syllable which is pur silence. Keep flowing into the silence for a long moment before resuming the chant. This is the technique. .... By MANI SHANKAR