Wednesday, 23 January 2008

Kids need life skills

A finishing school is what you need to polish up your manners and teach you the right etiquette for every situation. But regular students need some classes on life skills too. Science, maths and history are essential in any school curriculum, but pupils ought to learn some practical skills - like how to lay a table or knot a tie. Which is perhaps why Brighton College in England has introduced classes to train its wards and prepare them for all aspects of dult life. The teenagers will learn how to read a map, how to boil an egg and how to iron a shirt, among other things. Students in the city could do with a few such classes, feel teachers and parents.
We look to our parents to teach us life skills, but they are often hard pressed for time. " It is a good idea for kids to learn these basic things, but it's difficult to find the time to teach them," says Deepshikha Yadav, a working mom. "Earlier, we had joint families and there were elders to teach the kids. Now, with nuclear families and working parents, who has the time. It would be better if the schools could incorporate these practical skills into their curriculum. Kids will take it more seriously coming from teachers and it'll be more fund learning with classmates."
But school authorities too have their plates full with so many pupils to look after, a syllabus to complete and exams to conduct. Mrs Sai Leela Reddy, principal of Oxford Grammar School says, "We don't have the facilities to teach our pupils table manners as they bring their lunch in boxes. As far as personal hygiene and groomong are concerned, it is the responsibility of the parents to see that their kids are well turned out. Parents should ensure that the uniform is pressed, shoes polished and hair neatly in place, before they send the kids to school every morning."
The fact still remains that children need to equip themselves for life. Picking up some of these skills would be really useful, says Divyangana Choudhary, a class 8 student of St. Andrew's High School. "We do have hobby classes in school but they don't teach us practical skills. I never learned how to knot my tie and my mom does it for me every day," she adds.
Director of Hamsatech Institute, Ajita Reddy, agrees that kids need to learn practical skills, "When our students foist join finishing shool, quire a few of the don't know hoe to carry out these simple tasks. Nowadays parents give their kids to many facilities don't spend much time with them. That's why they need to be taught these things by professionals," She says.
---------tENZIN dECHEN

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