Friday, 9 August 2013

Id Mubarak, Bhaijaan

Id originates from the Arabic root word "Aud" that denotes returning times and again.  Id is an Islamic festival that returns every year to spread peace, kindness, brotherhood and equality among people irrespective of castle, creed and religion.  Silence it is also observed as a festival of distributing charity, it's called Id-ul-Fitr.
The word "firt" or "fitra" means a form of charity from the rich to the poor to help them celebrate Id with festive joy.  Id is not just about feasting on delicious food and wearing fancy clothes, it stands for promoting a humane and noble spirit in the society.
Id-ul-Fitr signifies living with the true spirit of brotherhood and showing compassion for the poor.  It is actually meant to achieve the highest spiritual status through selfless services towards the less fortunate ones.  Islam is a social religion that seeks to establish a well-mannered society; therefore, it reiterates the importance of good manners through different ways.  Id is one such way to imbibe this basic Islamic value among people in a festive spirit.
Characterising men of good manners, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:  "The best among you is Islam are those with the best manners, so long as they develop a sense of understanding".  To build an idea Muslim personality, one should be generous, compassionate, humble and sincere.
The observance of Id, in its expanded sense, symbolizes the very; bright side of an Islamic personality.  These social virtues are reflected in the true Islamic manners being displayed on the day of Id in a way that pleases others and does not cause harm to anyone.  This is precisely why Islam has enjoined that, particularly on this day, Muslims share food with others, distribute fitrah (charity) to the poor, organise feasts and invite friends and neighbours.  Obviously, such noble activities help us strengthen bonds of love, mutual harmony, brotherhood and social integrity....  GHULAM RASOOL DEHLVI is a Delhi-based writer.

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