Tuesday, 8 January 2008

Ideal man___

An ideal man should combine in himself the swiftness of Garuda (the Lord's Mount) when pursuing an act, the stability of the Himalayas (to the bear with difficulties), the depth of the ocean (to conceal his feelings), the pleasing nature of the moon (to be cheerful and helpful) and the splendour of the sun (to be a source of encouragement to others). An ideal man should maintain equanimity towards a friend and a foe. ___ Vedanta Dasika.

Let me give

I do not know how long i will live, But while I live Lord, Let me give; Some comfort to some one in need, by smile or money, kind or deed, Then I will not have lived in vain, and I will not care how long I live, If I can Give and Give and Give.-----------

Try Google Search
