The biosphere is a sphere of living organisms or biological processes lying at the interface between the atmosphere, lithosphere and hydrosphere. The distinguishing feature of the biosphere is that it supports life. It is estimated that the biosphere contains more than 3,50,000 species of plants including algae, fungi, mosses and higher forms of plants, and 11 million animal species ranging from unicellular protozoa to man. The biosphere supplies the essential requisites of life for all these species, namely light, heat, water, food and living space or habitats.
The biosphere, or the eco-system, represents a stable equilibrium of various physical and biological factors which have been operating in the past. The organic continuity of the system reset on a network of interdependent relationships. The air, the water, man and the animals, plants and planktons, the soil and bacterial are all invisibly interlinked in a life-sustaining system we call the environment. All living organisms – microbes, plants, animals, man – have survived by adjusting themselves to the environment and attuning their lives to its rhythm.
Sharing the Earth
We share the planet with trees, flowers, insects, fish, whales, dogs, and many other plants and animals. Each species of animals or plants has its place on Earth, and each one is dependant on other. Plants give off oxygen that animal need to breathe. Animals pollinate plants and spread their seeds. Animals eat plants and are in turn eaten by larger animals. When plants and animals die, they become part of the soil in which new plants take root and grow.
People and the Environment
Now the human population is 6.4 billion and still rising very fast. By 2050, according to UN estimates, there will be 8.9 billion people on the planet. Remember in 1850, there were just a billion people here.
This many people and their activities on the planet are seriously affecting the plants and animals of the world. Sometimes the damage can be controlled or even reversed but most of the time the damage is permanent. Today 1932 species of animals are endangered or threatened, according to WWF.
Habitats and some animals: Deserts: (hot/cold dry regions) – camels, kangaroos, mice, scorpions, rattle snakes * Tropical Forests: (warm, humid climate) – orangutans, gibbons, leopards, anteaters, parrots, deer * Grasslands: (flat, open lands) – African elephants, Kangaroos, Indian rhinoceros, giraffes, zebras, ostriches, tigers, deer *Mountains: high lands – yaks, snow leopards, eagles, mountain goats * Polar Regions: (cold regions) – polar bears, musk oxens, penguins * Oceans: sea – whales, dolphins, seals, octopuses, lobsters.
How do animals and plants become endangered?
Change of Climate: When the climate changes drastically, say, major rise/fall in temperature, rain, etc *Habitat Destruction: Exploitive human activities destroy homes of both plants and animals, Eg. – construction of dams, land reclamation for construction purposes of a wetland, polluting factory near forst, etc *Over Hunting: Hunting for food in a large scale or fun destroy their population.
Some Endangered Animals
People and the Environment
Now the human population is 6.4 billion and still rising very fast. By 2050, according to UN estimates, there will be 8.9 billion people on the planet. Remember in 1850, there were just a billion people here.
This many people and their activities on the planet are seriously affecting the plants and animals of the world. Sometimes the damage can be controlled or even reversed but most of the time the damage is permanent. Today 1932 species of animals are endangered or threatened, according to WWF.
Habitats and some animals: Deserts: (hot/cold dry regions) – camels, kangaroos, mice, scorpions, rattle snakes * Tropical Forests: (warm, humid climate) – orangutans, gibbons, leopards, anteaters, parrots, deer * Grasslands: (flat, open lands) – African elephants, Kangaroos, Indian rhinoceros, giraffes, zebras, ostriches, tigers, deer *Mountains: high lands – yaks, snow leopards, eagles, mountain goats * Polar Regions: (cold regions) – polar bears, musk oxens, penguins * Oceans: sea – whales, dolphins, seals, octopuses, lobsters.
How do animals and plants become endangered?
Change of Climate: When the climate changes drastically, say, major rise/fall in temperature, rain, etc *Habitat Destruction: Exploitive human activities destroy homes of both plants and animals, Eg. – construction of dams, land reclamation for construction purposes of a wetland, polluting factory near forst, etc *Over Hunting: Hunting for food in a large scale or fun destroy their population.
Some Endangered Animals
Giant Panda: Habitat-china. As few as 1000 Pandas remain in the mountains of southwest China *Leather-back Sea Turtle: Habitat-. It is the largest living turtle living in the world. Habitat destruction, fishing nets, harvesting of its eggs are the biggest threats to their survival *California Condor: Habitat – N. America. There are just 60 of them alive in the wild. Of which half live in the State of Arizona, USA * Whooping Crane: Habitat-North America. In 2003, 15 whooping cranes migrated back north on their own for summer.
Our planet is shared by 6.4 billion people and millions of species. The wide variety of life on Earth, as shown by the many species, is called biodiversity. Here is a sample of Earth's biodiversity. (The figures are estimates as new species are discovered all the time) Species; Mammal - 9000 (rodents 1700, bats 1000); Birds - 9000; Reptiles - 8000 (snakes 2900, lizards 4500); Amphibians - 5000 (frogs/toads 4500); Fish - 24,500 (sharks 350, bony fish 23000, rays & skates 450); Arthopods - 1.1 millions (crustaceans 44000, insects 750000, spiders 35,000); Plants - 260000 (flowering plants 2,50,000, evergreens 550).
Today, biosphere has become the focus of problems faced by mankind. Replacement of the communities of nature by man-made communities has become the new reality. However, the principles that govern the life of natural communities have to be observed if these man-made communities are to thrive. People must think less about conquering nature and more about learning to work with nature. To safeguard life on Earth, people must learn to control and adjust the balances in nature that are altered by their activities.
Earth Day
April 22nd is a day dedicated not just to recognise the beauty and riches of the Earth but also to make the Earth a healthier and safer place to live. Speeches, workshops, parades and demonstrations on the occasion of Earth Day have brought awareness about the dangers of overpopulation, energy waste, and other issues of vital concern. Earth Day was first observed on April 22, 1970 with the message "Give Earth a Chance" and intention to reclaiming the purity of the air, water and living environment.
World Environment Day
The UN General Assembly designated June 5 as World Environment Day, to deepen public awareness the need to preserve and enhance the environment. It was on that day the UN Conference on the Human Environment (Stockholm, 1972) started. The Assembly reconvened United Nations Conference on Environment and Development (UNCED) after 20 years, in Rio de Janeiro, where nations took up the challenges of a viable and equitable balance between environment and development and sustainable future for the earth and its people.
Some International Agreements that help Conserve Birds:
Ramsar Convention of Wetlands (1971) Nearlyt 1,200 wetland sites in 133 countries, totaling 103 million hectares, have been designated for protection and monitoring under this international agreement to conserve wetland and use them sustainably * Program on Man and the Biosphere and World Heritage Convention (1972) Under UNESCO, these initiatives set frame work for designating, protecting and monitoring some of the world's most important biodiversity and cultural hotspots. As of May 2002, 94 countries had established a total of 408 biosphere reserves unde3r the Man and the Biosphere Programme * Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (1975) An international agreement by 160 countries to monitor international trade in wild animals and plants and ensure that trade does not put wildlife in jeopardy * Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (1983) Eighty countries have signed this agreement, also known as the Bonn Convention, to protect migratory wildlife species, including birds, throughout their international migratory, brreding, and wintering areas * Convention on Biodiversity (1992) A total of 185 countries have signed on to this agreement, which was introduced at the Earth Summit in Rio in 1992. Signatories promise to set up for protecting their biodiversity including habitat protection and restoration. Fewer than 40 have drawn up formal plans so far.
Water Resources Day
World Water Resources Day is celebrated every year on 22nd March with a specific theme. The theme of 2004, was 'Efficiency of Water Resources System' with sub-themes on critical review of current level of efficiency and measures for improving efficiency of water resources systems. The 2004 Water Resources Day-function organised by the Central Water Commission (CWC) highlighted the judicious utilisation of the available water resources in the country and the need to conserve these resources to the optimum.
The average run-off in the river system of the country has been assessed as 1869 cubic kilometers. Of this, the utilisable portion by conventional storage and diversion is estimated as about 690 cubic kilometers. In addition, the replenishable ground water potential is estimated to be 432 cubic kilometers. The per capita availability of water at national level has reduced from about 5177 cubic meters in 1951 to the estimated level of 1869 cubic meters in 2001. The availability of water resources on an annual basis is almost fixed whereas the demands from various sectors are gradually increasing. As a result, the per capita availability of freshwater is continuously decreasing with increase in population and it is gradually reaching a critical level. Therefore, some steps needs to be adopted as measures for conservations and improving the water use efficiency and economy in water use. There is also a need to check avoidable losses in domestic water supply systems and adoption of water efficient irrigation methods. Water scarcity at a wider scale demands greater efforts on re-use and recycling of water.
The irrigation sector is the main consumer of the water in the country but the efficiency is only in the range of 30 to 40% which is very low. Even 10 to 15 % rise would result saving of a susbtantial quantity of water which can be utilised by others.
List of Environmental Organisations.
This is a list of few environmental organisations that preserve or monitor the environment in different ways. Environmental organisations can be global, regional, national or local; they can be government-run or private.
Inter governmental Organisations
Internation organisations and bodies established under international organisations to protect the environment: *European Environment Agency (EEA) * Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) * UNEP (United Nations Environment Programme))
Government Organisations
The Governments of all developed countries today have government departments or agencies devoted to monitoring and protecting the environment. eg. *The EPA (US).
Private Organisations (Environmental NGOs)
These organisations are involved in lobbying, advocacy, or conservation efforts: International * The Center for International Environmental Law * Earth Charter Organisation * Earth Liberation Front * Environmental Law Association World wide * Foundation for Environmental Education * Friends of the Earth * Green Cross International * Greenpeace * The Nature Conservancy * World Business Council for Sustanable Development * Worldwatch Institute * World Wildlife Fund * North American Pollinator Protection Campaign * The Xerces Society. INDIA * INTACH
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