O my supremely beloved God
Let my eyes see you in all
Let my ears hear
-----The praise of You
Let my tongue chant
-----The name of You
Let my feet visit
-----The house of You
Let my hands serve
-----The children of You
Let my heart yearn
-----For the Love of You
Let my head bow to
-----The feet of You
Let my will obey
----The command of you
Let my mind dwell on
-----The glory of You
Let my soul come in
-----Touch with you
Let all be happy is
-----My prayer to you
For you are my Mother,
You are my Father,
You are my Friend,
You are my Guide,
You are my support,
You re my refuge,
You are my All-in-All,
Please bless O God
One and All.
==========================Swami Srikantananda
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