Monday, 8 October 2007

Teacher ! " THE ROLL MODEL"

I don't care for praise or blame
I try my best
Without caring for gain.

I take it as a challange
To Serve my friends
I want them all to be
Wonderful gems.

I prepare my notes
With lots of pain
To give something new
Is always my aim.

I love my students
And never use a cane
No cheap talk
For personal fame.

I use my time
To enlighten them
I put moral values
In tender brains.

I don't know why
Students respect me well
I feel proud seeing them
Hearty and hale.

Without a role model
Teaching is in vain
Only what I practise
That's all I tell them.

I am proud to be called
A 'torch bearer', 'nation builder'
On my sincere efforts
Depends India's future.

I am greatful to God for
Making me a teacher
A teacher is compated to
Brahma, Vishnu, Maheshwar.

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