Tuesday, 13 November 2007

Do Not Criticise___

A leader, to be successful, has to motivate and influence others. He has to get genuinely interested in others and learn to give lavish appreciation. Now we shall consider another important factor, which is avoiding criticism.

All of us know that no one likes criticism. In fact, no one admits that he has made a mistake. No one ever blames himself, although the whole world may condemn him as the guilty one. Let us take the case of Adolf Hitler who is regarded as primarily responsible for World War II. The Allies condemned Hitler and his associates as the worst offenders against humanity and greatest of war criminals. But Hitler or, for that matter, those of his lieuthenants who survived him never admitted that they were wrong. They defended themselves stoutly saying they did everything for the sake of their German fatherland and that the Allies were to blame themselves for all the happened.

The thinking process of notorious criminals, and dacoits is no different. All of them regard themselves as champions of the poor. They feel that they are being punished, or put behind the prison bars for no faults of theirs. In the same way, when confronted with criticism, each individual tries to justify himself or herself. Whether young or old, friends or foes, known ones or strangers, nobody relishes criticism. A leader should, therefore, pause before criticising anyone and always try to avoid it.

Anyway, what is the object of criticising one or finding fault with another individual? What do we hope to accomplish by criticisng another individual? Every time we get the urge to criticise, we should ask this question to ourselves: is it intention to correct and improve the other person? Do you really feel that, with your criticism, the other person will mend his ways? Since everybody resents criticism, the question of changing and improving will not arise. On the other hand he will defend, justify and persist with greater vigour and determination. Thus, criticism, instead of motivating one to act the way you want, will induce him to do just the opposite.

If criticism cannot bring about improvements on the part of others, why then do many indulge in it? Perhaps, some get a feeling of importance by resorting to running down others. They try to show themselves off by finding fault with others. In the process, they not only expose themselves but also earn the enmity and hatred of others. What is more, as we have seen, the craving to feel important is universal. The person who is being criticised has his own ego and self-esteem. He will not accept the criticism meekly. He will react violently and indulge in scathing counter-criticism. The net result would be nothing but washing the dirty linen in public. As everybody knows, the split in the Indian National Congress developed becaue of stringent and biting public criticism of one another among its top leaders.

There is another important reason why criticism should be avoided. Criticism and condemnation kill the initiative. It often makes people abandon their efforts. It breeds inferiority complex and there are instances where uncharitable criticism has driven people to go mad or even commit suicide. Fully realising the illeffects of criticism, Dr. Samuel Johnson observed: "God Himself, Sir, does not propose to judge man until the end of his days." It is, therefore, foolhardy on our part to rush and criticise others. According to Charles Shwab,"There is nothing else that so kills the ambitions of a man as criticism from his superiors.: He declared, " I never criticise anyone. I believe in giving a man, incentive to work. So, I am anxious to praise but loath to find fault. If I like anything I am hearty in my approbation and lavish in my praise."

Often we should refrain from criticism when we try to understand others. If we put ourselves in the shoes of the other individual and look at the things from his point of view, we will at once realise why and how he acted the way he had acted. What is more, each individual is conditioned by his environmental factor. He is often a helpless victim of circumstances. You and I know very well that all our actions are not strictly rational and logical. We act on impulse, swayed by emotion and influenced by likes, dislike and others such prejudices. The leader must, therefore, understand others, look at the matter from the others' point of view, give appreciation and avoid criticism.

No one can claim to be perfect and beyond improvement. There is room for improvement even among the best of us. We should, itherefore, correct ourselves, clear our own doorsteps and not point out the snow on the roof of other's house.

The success of Mahatma Gandhi and Abraham Lincoln can be traced to this great quality on their part to avoid criticising others. Gandhiji blamed himself and tried to purify himself by resorting to fasts but never uttered a word of criticism either on the British or on other Indian political leaders. Lincoln scrupulously avoided rash and hasty criticism. He did not mail his letters with adverse comments immediately. He held them back and generally they were destroyed and never found their way to the intended addresses. A leader can try to be wiser than others but he should never tell others so. Vilhjalmur Stefansson, a famous explorer and scientist, observed that "A scientist never tries to prove anything; he attempts only to find the facts." The same rule applies to a leader. He should first find the facts. He should avoid criticism. Instead, he must understand and appreciate the good points in his followers.

You will naturally ask how a leader can improve his followers and bring out the best in them, if he decides to close his eyes to their shortcomings. A leader, where he considers it essential, has to draw the attention of the individual concerned to his limitations, errors, omissions and commissions. But this has to be done tactfully. It should be done after understanding the situation and with due appreciation. It should be converted to helpful suggestions instead of harsh criticism. Instead of downright condemnation, a leader should ask questions. He should gently point out, in an objective manner, where things have gone wrong. Often practical demonstration, instead of mere words, will produce the desired results. A leader should listen more and encourage the other party to talk. He should give an opportunity to the other to save his face. He should make the other person realise his mistake and should not force him to admit or own it.
As we said the aim is not simply to find fault but to bring about improvements. One important factor we should bear in mind is not to criticise anyone in public, that is, in the presence of others. The ego and self-esteem will drive people to defend themselves and justify their actions when they are criticised in public. We should, therefore, avoid criticism and if at all we have to say something unpalatable, we must give it a sugar coating, make it appear as a suggestion and administer it in strict privacy. Before pointing out the mistakes, we must generously give honest appreciation and sincere praise to theri good points. We must approach the individual in a friendly way and get him or her into a receptive mood Whatever possible, we must draw their attention to their blunders in an indirect manner. It would be extremely helpful to talk about our own mistakes before pointing out the mistakes of the other individual. The mistake should not be unduly magnified out of all proportions. It must be made to appear as easy one capable of correction. If he tries to save his face, we must accept his explanations at face value. In fact, we can give the other person a grand reputation to live up to.
A leader, who has to influence and motivate others, should, therefore, avoid criticise others if he takes genuine interest in the ohter individual, look at the things from the other's viewpoint and give sincere and honest appreciation for which the other has a gnawing craving and insatiable hunger. Proper understanding and appreciation will eliminate the need for bringing about improvements in the future, it has to be done ina friendly and tactfull manner to produce the desired results. A leader who avoids criticism as a rule will be favoured with phenomenal success.

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