Friday, 15 February 2008

Always try to be balanced__my own words

We should not be too good in this world.. why because these worst/bad people will not allow us to survive happily. We must be like unbitten snakes, as the snake frightens the people with its buzzing sound, and bites only when we go near. But with its sounds only people will fear. So sound like a snake, to survive.

Don't be too good, why because, all will try to make an attemp to press you down, all will try to blame you, doubt you, scold you, suffer you, comment on you, hate you, trouble you .,.,.,.,.,.,

This world is like a prostitute fuck it (but take good care not to be attacked by any decease / problems), other wise you will be fucked by this world.........

Always use your brain, along with your strength .....


Till now by being good good goody good i have got nothing,

I was also suffered a lot and suffered alot by all the people around me, but one blessing is that i am also like the unbitten sounding snake....


Don't be too good, make all the habits of your interest which are available around, like smoking, drinking, fucking.,.,etc.,., enjoy them like anything (if you are able to be in control, otherwise...don't...).... and don't forget to think that, "One or another day i have to leave all those bad habit and i should get control over them..."
... If you can control yourself, by thinking/knowing that they are the bad habits.. and we doesn't require them, then it is ok, otherwise don't control...... practice controlling by making it a habit otherwise you will be edicted to it.
Once i asked my father, why should we control, why should not we smoke sigurate and drink? Then my father told actually our body doesn't require them. As my father has got smoking habit, and he doesn't have drinking habit, i asked him why?,, for drinking he told that, One of his brother whose name "Bhaskar" was named to me... was died by becoming edict to that drinking habit.......... For smoking he said, see my dear son, we were 12 brothers in strength, no body has taken good care of us....(why because in those days,,, they were much least cared by their parents, as they are more in numbers,,, if one persons dies also they don't care...).. and we doesn't know that its a bad habit, for show put up and by observing others i made that bad habit.... Now you are 2 children i am here to take good care of you and tell you what's good and what's bad... So its up to you to decide weather to make a habit of them or not to make a habit of them.....

What he repeatedly used to say that " DO WHAT I SAY, BUT DON'T DO WHAT I DO", which was told my father in my child hood days, which still i remember ......... those words exactly as it is.... ..,,,,,

I love my father very much why because, He is my real idealistic person.......


but don't become edict to that habits.. you must master all the fields of your interest...

Why because you will not get moksha (the ultimate goal to be reached by all i.e., towards the god) if you suffer by not enjoying all your desires...

But note here a point, that you should not suffer any one in the meanwhile of attaining your goals... Its not good. Enjoying in this world is what all the people have to do....

But also try to do some good to others up to your capacity....

Don't be too goody, goody, good .... in studies, There is a lots and lots and lots of difference between the scholar and a normal people.. As from the childhood the scholar do only studying which will make him weak mentally.. For every thing, and for every reason he will fear like anything. He has to depend on others like police and lawyers to be protected (if any major problem arises). ...

They are mentally very weak, ok, they might be having very good money.

What is the need of money, one should have guts and courage to fight with this world. Every body should be ready to face all the situations of this world.


So, every body should give preference to the physical activities also along their studies, and they should encourage their children also to do the same....

Why because when a tense movement comes, we must be prepared to fight on our own strength, as some situations are like that only.

That is the reason why all this world is controlled by the people who are courageous.,.,.,.,

So be healthy first then the next one the healthy mind will automatically be formed, as too much of wealth is also not good, Tell/Show me one person who is happy with his wealth, i will show many people who are happy themselves and make all others around them happy with their good health and good thinking..........

As now a days (-) negative vibrations are spoiling this world......

That's why temples, and churches, masjids are formed ....... to increase (+) positive vibrations


In my view a man who is having all bad habits (controlled) like smoking, drinking, fucking,.,.,., is not that bad, if he has the Whole heart to help others, .,.,.,

In my view a man who is having very good habits,.,., is not that good, he who doesn't have a thought to help others.......


So Don't be too bad.. as because of you so many others will unnecessarily be troubled... beginning from their family members....

One should have the conscious.... a poor person will be having some 5 to 6 children. what is the need of having that many... He cannot develop in his life span. why because no body is there to help him.... except the god.... But he will be the happy man, as he knows he cannot do any thing, even earnings also, he will be very happy. At least by increasing the population(his rays development) he will make our country as number one.

He just try to do something to fill his stomach..... of course, they(thieves) may kill the weak minded, fearful rich persons to get money and happily go into the jail to live happily to lead peaceful life for some days in jail.... Atleast there they will get some good things to learn.....


No person with good knowledge will try to go in to politics.... as the Politicians are the real controllers of this Indian Dynasty......

They can make the rules and that much easily they are breaking those rules, why because they make it like that which can be easily broken......

Every government thinks how to earn money for their party fund.....

No body thinks for a long term plans...


this is the biggest, decease now we the indian people are having in our country....

Before independence, our indian leaders told that Britishers are very much rude, Britishers are very much cruel, Britishers are the dectators, they killed our indians like birds ...... Ok, we need not to do anything to the Britishers... they themselves will be demolished, why because, what i believe is that... what ever goes from us, one or another it will come back to us... So if they might have done the good, it will definately go back to them, if they did bad it will definately, certainly, will hit them back, because of which they cannot even stand on their feet.... That's the major difference with the INDIANS and all other countries of this world.... The Indian's will never interfere or trouble others/ other countries.....
ok, Britishers have killed our indian people,.. but, But now what our indian leaders are doing, they are not killing our Indians like britishers, but indians are dying.. by suiciding themselves.. that's the greatness of the indian rulers... who are creating those situations with our indians to die ourselves..... I think Our Politicians are greater than Britishers......

With out care, without food, many people are dying.. many farmers are dying.. The farmers are the gods of our indian country... What a wonderful life we are going to have after some years...

Every body should be ashamed... As said in the film "APARICHITHUDU" ...... directed by Shankar... Every indian should have selfrealisation....
Every rich person should have self realisation....
Every scholar should have self realisation.... including me

Every one till their death ..... spend most of their time in earning, earning, and earning, by many ways....... mostly by troubling others... that is called (business),,,,,,,,

Atleast in your (age) 60's and 70's you just try to learn giving, not only money, but also moral support which is the ultimate help that any body can do to the others, ....... as you are not going to take all the money with you... ok, at that age you cannot even eat the normal food, why because food has to be taken very restrictedly.....
That giving should also be done very carefully. We should give as per the requirement of the person whom we are going to help.. not more than that.. try to choose a reasonable person or family, if not found try to first make them reasonable and then help... why because money should not be given to an unqualified (means mentally).... why because if the money has given to an unqualified person he may misuse it....

How much you need,,,,, think once, how much ur children need... let them learn n earn n spend..... train them to become like Idealistic Persons, they should be ready to live like any thing....
Every parents should try to train their children and they themselves should try to change to become idealistic......
Why because our children will grow as like us if we fear, they will also grow like fearing cats,, if we live like cunning fox,, they will also become like cunning foxes.... If we live like lions, they will become like lions,, and if we lead an idealistic life they will also become like idealistic persons.....
Every body is thinking that, we are going to live for around 70 years,,, we have to earn and enjoy this life, we should not bothered what ever the other things happen, around me i don't mind... When any problem comes to me then only i will react.... in every aspect of this society every body is thinking like that.....
Ok, Congress party rules, or any other party rules, we don't bother,,,, Even the educated also thinks... like that only,, what benefit i have got personally..... that much only every body is thinking..... Even the political leaders are also thinking like that only, how much our party has been benefitted within this period of 5 years... no body has got long term vision...
For getting name, there are many schemes are there for farmers and poor people,,,,, as all the governments will work out for them only... but poorer are increasing and farmers are dying.... No intelligent politicians are thinking for the Ultimate solution......
For what they bother.... they are much bothered about the welfare of their family members, that's why our indians are called Centimental Fools..... Ok those who said this, are Non-Centimental Fools... So be Centimental but Don't be fools.... Don't sacrifice the future of our next generation for the sake of bledy Centiments....
Our Igoistic political leaders are waste, they cannot develop this country, in the way which our Mahathma Gandhi Dreamt, why because they know using the name of Mahathma but they don't know the policies of Mahathma....
So each and every parent should take good care of their children, to make to become idealistic... means truthful, self controlled, well educated, well built (physically).... ok, they may enjoy this life,, let them live very very happily, don't restrict, but teach them to be conscious, what is good and what is bad.....
Enjoying without troubling anybody is not a bad/worst thing.... If you restrict them they will find some other ways to do them...
Explanation is what our youth needed,,, for everything they need explanation (from childhood itself).....
Think once, that how we have been living now, if our ancestors didn't think about the future generations, who fought for the Freedom.... We will be serving to the Britishers, if they thought "Ok, why should we bother about our future generations...,," ok, up to some extent they were also fought for them too...., but the result was ultimate. Now we are enjoying this life like anything....
Why i am telling this that we are thinking to resolve the present problems only, no body is thinking in longterm.. there are so many departments are there in our government to guide us about the future problems.... but the result is nill... One simple example i will tell, what a joke it is that if a big rain comes, because of i,t we are facing many traffic problems... What the hell this governments are doing...
You just see the Moosi River, how ultimate thing is that, it is touching/covering every part of the city to collect the dust and throw it out of the city,,, why it was like that, they are worked with hearts, to give the ultimate solution to all the futuristic generations..... they are the real people.... but the worst/bad thing is that now a days our government has failed even in utilising that river too....
Even parents should also take good care of their children, they should think to make them as good as them,, in future they should not face trouble others, they should become-uncorrepted, they should become brave physically and mentally....
If you make them strong mentally and physically.... no body can break their confidence, and they also will not fear to face any sort of situation in their future.... why because you just observe, every body is solving their problems... by police officials... For example..At night if any road robbers attacks our car,,, it will take so much time for the police persons to reach us... but if we ourselves make ready for that then we handle the situation as easy as that...
Putting pressure for every thing on the police persons is also not good... After all they are also human beings... "What is the best with our indian police is that they are greater than the Soldiers who are fighting at the border areas.... " ....
What worst is happening with them is that they are serving like slaves, even though they were the mostly blamed people....
News paper people are the good communicators ... for all (------)... They are the real gamblers... now a days they are earning like anything......
They are the first people, who are sitting ready to blame the police persons... ok, they are doing good but (maximum over action)....
As even one good word, will not come in their telecast regarding... the police persons......
Ok, here i am the persons who really salute all the Indian Police Officials... who are the real protectors of our lifes....
What i want to say that, be balanced in every aspect, be balanced..... don't be too good, don't be too bad.... Live an ultimate living... (If not possible, atleast try .....)
Every body should think Ultimately, Live Ultimately, Help Ultimately,.,., Plan Ultimately,,.,., Face all the problems Ultimately.......
Help to form an Ultimate Society, so that our future generation people should not scold us.....
What our ancestors have did....
-------------Finally Eat ultimately.....
------------------Sleep Ultimately...
----------------------Forget Every thing Ultimately.....
----------------------------Fear for every moment Ultimately....
----------------------------------Die with ultimate deceases.......
Why because, no body knows the ultimate solution for overcoming all the deceases,,,,,,
I know it...
As i am not that so perfect in english.. slowly i will try to tell u all those things by translating all of them in telugu which are told by Mr MANTHENA SATYANARAYA RAJU, who is the ultimate persons, who explained the ultimate way of healthy living... as health is wealth....
I am just a kid, who is learning what is life?.... by the help of everyone who lives around me...
I am ready accept all the comments...
Why because, i have not revealed everything, just a glance only i have written....
Mr. Jaya Prakash Narayan the leader of Lok Satta Party is a good man, who is a well knowledged man, whom i like, but no body will vote him.... why because... every body likes the show put up, shown by all the political parties.... No body likes, if the person/party is simple....
May god bless my Andhra Pradesh.... and After that My country Named India....

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