Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Improve your English Language___1

General Rules:--

While writing try and guard against the tendency of using euphemisms. A euphemism is a word or phrase that is substituted for language that the writer feels may be either offensive or too blunt.
Example:- She died in her sleep - She passes away in her sleep or She met her maker in her sleep etc.,
Example:- During the war, there were bombing raids all across the country - During the war, there were surgical air-strikes all across the country.
Example:- The US army went into XYZ to control the riots, loot and arson in the capital - The US peace-keeping force went into XYZ to control the riots, loot and arson in the capital.
Your writing should tell the truth and not couch it in euphemisms. Here are some other things to keep in mind. Many of us make a mistake when we use the words affect and effect. "Affect" is usually a veryb, which means "to influence"
Example: Please let me know if my grammar is going to affect marks in English.
"Effect" is usually a noun, which means "result"
Example: This is a new rule that goes into effect tomorrow.__
Another thing to keep in mind is that the word 'data' is plural. The singular is 'datum'.__
Always distinguish between the words that and which. The rule of thumb here is - use which (always followed by a comma when introducing non-essential information) and use that (never folloer by a comma when introducing essential information).
Try and avoid using colloquial expressions like hook up, burn out, write up etc. Instead use connect, damage/destroy, report/essay/document.

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