In all probability, you already know quite well that your success is dependent on your ability to sell yourself and your ideas to others. What your ideas to others. What you are most interested in is how to do it, how to accomplish this magic, how exactly to motivate and influence other human beings? To know the answer to this question, stop for a moment and ask yourself what makes you listen to some particular individual and accept his propositions? Why do you allow yourself to be influenced by one person and not by the other? Why do you ready this article and what makes you to spend your time reading these lines and not a sexy thriller? You must dispassionately and objectively think and analyse the facts and determine the true reasons. In the ultimate analysis, you will find that this article is serving your interests, it is meeting your wants, it talks about your requirements, it is concerned about your leadership, success and happiness. Anything that concerns you, vitally affects you, appears to benefit you and contributes to your happiness.
You are only too willing to be interested in what applies to you and what applies to all other normal human beings. All of us are basically interested in ourselves. All of us have several needs or wants. We are eager and keen to satisfy our wants or needs. We eagerly listen to and do the things which, we are sincerely convinced, will help us in realising our needs and happiness. There fore, when all you want in the world is the satisfaction and fulfilment of your wants and needs, you have first to think in terms of the other person's interests, wants, needs, desires, aspirations, ambitions, feelings, emotions, beliefs, faiths, opinions, views, psycho-personality characteristics and so on. It may appear contradictory and confusing on the face of it. If you want your wants to be met and goals to be achieved, why you waste your time thinking about other people, their interests, wants and goals? The answer is simple. You depend on others for your leadership and success. you have to motivate them and get their active, willing and eager co-operations. Hence, you have to think in terms of their wants and needs first. The correct understanding of this basic principle is the first step in motivating and influence people.
"To succeed do the best you can, where you are, with what you have."
Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great American statesman and his son were once trying to force a calf to leave the barn. But the calf was not interested in moving and that was that. The father shouted and the son yelled, there was quite a bit of commotion, but the calf did not even budge an inch. Just then their maidservant, attracted by the noises, arrived on the scene and saw that was happening. She put her thumb in the calf/s mouth and sucking her thumb it followed her out of the barn willingly and happily. It appeared the calf would have followed her to the end of the earth in that fashion. This incident narrated by Emerson in his writings proves the important principle of psychology for influencing and motivating others. You can make others do what if you stop to reflect and first understand what their needs are.
The right way to get people do things the way you want is not to compel them, drive them, push them or pull them, or for that matter even beg them or entreat them. It is the most difficult thing in the world to make an individual do anything against his will. The correct way is, therefore, to arouse a want in them and make them do, whether you want them to do willingly, happily and eagerly.
Ever Present Human Need
Every Human being, whether rich or poor, high or low, literate or illiterate, leader or follower, is always and ever hungry and thirsty for one thing. That is the need to feel important. He wants someone to show interest in him and in what he does. He craves to be recognised and appreciated genuinely and sincerely. He wants affection, warmth and friendship. He longs for appreciation and understanding. He likes to be heard. He favourably reacts at once when someone displays a keen, sincere and genuine interest in him. This is a standing, continuing, insatiable, perennial or ever present hunger on the part of all human beings. It is not a seasonal demand. Forever and always, from birth to death, all through the day and the year, people crave for importance, recognition, appreciation and love. There are no exceptions to this natural inborn human hunger and you and I share this nagging hunger. To become a successful leader, you must master the art of catering to the perennial hunger in the most effective way. You must satisfy this hunger and thirst fully to attain success and happiness by becoming a leader and gain your objectives. You must then start by taking genuine interest in other human beings. Learn to harmonise your needs with the wishes and wants of the other people. Think and talk of the other individuals's interests. You will then certainly go places. You will win. You will lead in a very big way. You will be crowned with success, glory and happiness.
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