What do men think about discussing past relationships? Personally, I like to keep my past in the past and there are some things I'm definitely not proud of. Also, at what point in the relationship is this conversation OK?
ANS.... At first, guys don't think much at all about your past relationships. They're just thrilled to be on a date at all, let alone in the frame of mind to start grilling you about how many boyfriends you've had, how recently, and whether any of them have a restraining order against them.
We realise it can be different for women. They want to know the general details precisely because those details offer insight into how you might end up treating them. If the guy is discovered, for instance, he should not be surprised to be asked on the first date, " So, what happened in your marriage?" Of course, that is not only an insensitive thing to ask on a first date, but it's also the kind of question likely to cause you to order that third martini.
But sooner or later, past experiences will become a valid topic of conversation. Ideally it should happen organically, while describing some event or accomplishment in which you can't help but mention like when you climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with an ex-boyfriend. But there is no reason to get into the details. What you did in that mountainside tent is between you, the wind and the Sherpas.
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