Wednesday, 14 January 2009


Dangling modifiers, could make your sentences sound slightly queer. For example: Walking to the part on a rainy day, my clothes became wet. This sentence does not make any sense because the words walking to the park on a rainy day modifies the words my clothes. Surely someone must have been walking?
The correct use would be : When I was walking to the part on a rainy day, my clothes became wet.
Here are a few more examples.
Wrong…: Having arrived late for work, a written note was required(The sentense implies that the written note arrive late!)
Correct…: Having arrived late for work, Seema required a written note
Now let’s take a look another group of modifiers known as Squinting Modifiers. They are called so because a vaguely placed modifier that appears to modify either the word before it or the word after it - is akin to someone who is squinting!
Here are a few examples…..
Wrong…: Students who pay attention to their studies most of the time get higher grades.
Correct…: Most of the time, students who pay attention to their studies get higher grades OR Students who pay attention to their studies get higher grades most of the time.

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