Tuesday, 28 April 2009

wHaT iS pErSoNaLiTy......

The sign of life is struggle for growth. A tiny seed breaks open the earth to grow into a plant, but growth alone does not add beauty to life, rather wild and abnormal growth sometimes leads to stagnation. Shaping the growth through proper training and systematic discipline is the only way to make life beautiful, which ultimately leads to fully-fledged personality.


In the history of mankind, great personalities appear who shook the world during their lifetime. Their marvellous achievements dazzled the eyes of people for a while, but were forgotten immediately after their demise. The reason being appearance of greater and stronger personalities with extraordinary brilliance, who made their hold strong on the minds of people. Achievement in life certainly makes a person great, but does not add much to his or her personality.


The need of the hour is to develop personality based on character and not on achievements in life. Real Personality, which is based on character, is remembered by the world through eternity. The number of such people, though small, can shape the destiny of mankind. Their names remain imprinted in the hearts of millions of people forever. We are proud to say that in modern times India could produce such a real and universal person in Swami Vivekananda, whose thoughts are a source of inspiration, throughout the world to shape a real personality.


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