722. Good friends are treasures of immense value.
723. Hard work is the only investment that never fails.
724. If you want to see a man angry, keep him hungry.
725. Knowledge is man's highest acquisition. If is a lifelong friend and a safest guide in life.
726. Laughter is inner jogging.
727. A really honest executive is one who is willing to share the credit with the person who did the work.
728. He who has not learned to obey cannot be a good commander.___ Aristotle..
729. It is better to have a true enemy than to have a flase friend.
730. Manners reveals character.
731. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees.
732. The person who knows 'how' will always have a job. But the person who knows 'why' will be his boss.
733. Everyone of us has a role to fulfil, a work to do, a place which we alone can occupy... The Mother.
734. Anger begins in folly, and ends in repentance... Pythagoras..
735. Unless you have a forgiving nature, you will not see God. __ George Herbert..
736. In great matters men show themselves as they wish to be seen, in small matters, as they are.
737. Facts do not cease to exist just because they are ignored... Aldous Huxley
738. The more a man learns, the more he is inclined to be modest about his knowledge.
739. Love of God and Love of neighbour are the two sided, inward and outward, of a truly religious person.__ S. Radhakrishnan
740. If parents want honest children-they must be honest themselves.
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