Tuesday, 18 August 2009

Let The Rose Grown Within You

Once a man planted a rose plant and watered it regularly. One day, he saw a bud appearing on the plant. Suddenly he felt that the bud cannot blossom into a beautiful flower as the plant is infested with thorns all over. He was so saddened and despaired that he stopped watering the plant. Soon it died.
The simple tale has a lot to do with us. Very few of us realise that there is a rose within us. The God-like sweet qualities are implanted in our hearts when we are born. They grow amid the thorns of our faults. When we look at ourselves and others we see only faults beyond mending. We despair, thinking that nothing good can possibly be found in and around us. We totally neglect or fail to find the hidden goodness in us and we never realize our own latent potential to improve and change ourselves.
Sometimes we need someone else to show what we are. One of the greatest gifts we possess is our ability to overcome the thorns within us and find our own good 'self'. This is the chief characteristic of love, which helps us look at the persons, knowing their faults, recognise their nobility and help them to overcome their faults. If we show them the rose, they can conquer the thorns. Hence it is our duty to help others by showing their roses and not merely their thorns. Only then it is possible to develop Harmony among people around us....

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