Wednesday, 29 April 2009

Personality Development....

There is a deep interest for personality development, specially among the youth. They are in a hurry and expect instant change in the personality. In fact, they do not understand the difference between 'change' and 'development'. It is quire possible to change one's personality overnight. The beauty parlours, hair dressing, ready-made garments, cosmetics, and high-heeled shoes can do this magic, which is only a temporary change, and does not help in developing the real personality. It is not advisable to resort to such cheap methods, wasting time, money, and energy.


There are four dimensions of the human personality i.e., Physical, Mental, Intellectual, and Spiritual. A harmonious growth of all these aspects constitutes the real personality. One must strive for sound health, strong mind, pure intellect and spiritual growth simultaneously.


Tuesday, 28 April 2009

wHaT iS pErSoNaLiTy......

The sign of life is struggle for growth. A tiny seed breaks open the earth to grow into a plant, but growth alone does not add beauty to life, rather wild and abnormal growth sometimes leads to stagnation. Shaping the growth through proper training and systematic discipline is the only way to make life beautiful, which ultimately leads to fully-fledged personality.


In the history of mankind, great personalities appear who shook the world during their lifetime. Their marvellous achievements dazzled the eyes of people for a while, but were forgotten immediately after their demise. The reason being appearance of greater and stronger personalities with extraordinary brilliance, who made their hold strong on the minds of people. Achievement in life certainly makes a person great, but does not add much to his or her personality.


The need of the hour is to develop personality based on character and not on achievements in life. Real Personality, which is based on character, is remembered by the world through eternity. The number of such people, though small, can shape the destiny of mankind. Their names remain imprinted in the hearts of millions of people forever. We are proud to say that in modern times India could produce such a real and universal person in Swami Vivekananda, whose thoughts are a source of inspiration, throughout the world to shape a real personality.


Monday, 27 April 2009


Because a pronoun refers back to a noun or takes the place of that noun, you must use the correct pronoun in order for your reader to know which noun the pronoun is referring to. There are of course some rules which we can look at one at a time.....
RULE 1.: If the pronoun takes the place of a singular noun it must be singular as well. Example of incorrect use: If a person defecates here, they will be penalised. Correct this to : If a person defecates here, he will be penalised.
RULE 2.: Use the same person throughout the text. This means that if you are writing in the first person (I), you must not confuse your reader by switching to either the second person (you) or third person (he, she, they, it, etc.). Likewise, if you are using the third person don't switch to the first or second person. Example of incorrect use: When a person is born, they bring their destiny along with them. Correct this to: When a person is born, he brings his destiny along with him.
RULE 3.: Don't be vague about the noun. Example of incorrect use: Although the spoon feel on the floor, it did not get dirty. Ask yourself what did not get dirty the spoon or the floor? Correct this to : Although the spoon fell on the floor, the spoon did not get dirty.
RULE 4.: There are some words that may sound plural but are singular and thus take singular pronouns. These words are -- everybody, anybody, each, anyone, neither, nobody, a person someone.

Example of incorrect use: Everybody should do their best to succeed in life. Change this to: Everybody should do his or her best to succeed in life.
You could also reconstruct the sentence using a plural noun. This way you will use a plural pronoun as well-- You must all to your best to succeed in life.


Learn to own your mistakes as blaming others won't help




This moment is all. Buddha insists very much: Live in the moment. And desire does not allow you to live in the moment. And you go on repeating the same things, you move in circles. Just watch your life, look back. You have been moving in circles: the same anger, the same sex, the same greed, the same ambition, the same postponement and the same desiring mind. When are you going to wake up?



Nobody can be fool a woman for the simple reason that she does not function through logic; she functions through love, through the heart. He process is illogical; she simply jumps to the conclusions. Her process is like a quantum leap: she immediately understands, she can see through and through. The more you try to hide from her, the simpler it is for her to find it out. Women are powerful not in the muscular sense but as far as their resistance is concerned, as far as their life energy is concerned, as far as their tolerance is concerned.



Everybody is trying to blame his misery on somebody else. And that is how we remain in misery, because this blaming is not going to help. In the first place it is wrong-- nobody else is the cause of your misery; the cause is within you. You are living with a fallacy. But even if you are living with a fallacy, the mind enjoys the idea that somebody else is responsible. "I am not responsible"; you feel a relief.


When you are going to fall, then why wait? Fall at the first sight. At least time is saved if nothing else. When a person is in love with someone and by love I don't mean the love of the Buddhas; their love is totally different. They are talking about prayers, compassion, a desire-less expression of their being.

I am talking about your love. You are almost in a hypnotic state. A man in love with a woman, or a woman in love with a man is no longer able to see clearly. The mind becomes clouded, the desire creates so much smoke, it raises so much dust that you can't see clearly. And whatsoever you see is your own projection....... OSHO INTERNATIONAL FOUNDATION

Sunday, 26 April 2009

Search for the deep silence within you to be enlightened.....

Akara, ukara makara iti... amatras chaturtho... aumkara...... MANDUKA UPANISHAD 1-1-8 and 12


The syllable 'aa' the syllable 'uu' the syllable 'ma'... and the syllable without a sound, these are the four syllables of the sacred mantra Aum.... Eka eva tridha smrithaha Gaudapada 'kARIKA'


The three states, (the waking, dreaming and pure intelligence) are controlled by the one which is beyond the three.


You are a beautiful creative expression of the deep silence of infinity. You may not be aware of this in your waking or dreaming states, but the pure intelligence that runs your being knows this very well, for its roots are nourished by infinity all the time. At this very moment, if you can somehow touch that pure intelligence, you can reach out into the silence. Touching the deep silence is what is called being enlightened. It is a simple everlasting moment of great joy and a life altering experience. It will release you into a freedom beyond imagination. Deliver a bliss beyond expression. Reveal a truth beyond articulation. This is the essential wisdom of the great Mandukya Upanishad, a wisdom that has been accepted unquestioningly by all eastern religions as the core truth of existence. The big question is how to make that connection. The other realm seems to be out of bounds for us. All our lives are spent in the waking or dreaming states. We never touch the state of pure intelligence, so reaching the deep silence appears out of question. There isn't any mechanism that directs our energies inward. The waking state allows us to interact with the world and fulfill our ambitions, but all its energies are expressed into the world outside. The dreaming state seems to be totally useless since it takes us to a weird irritational domain, which vanishes into thin air the moment we wake up.


The Mandukya reveals the connection technique. It is meditation on the syllable AUM. The AUM is the core mantra of Hinduism. It is a most powerful and sacred word. The AUM has the power to take you from the waking state into the deep silence and deliver you into the arms of the infinite.


The AUM has four syllables, each syllable corresponds to each state of being. the 'AA' relates to the waking state, the 'UU' to the dreaming state, the 'MM' to the state of pure intelligence, and the fourthsyllable of 'AUM' is the syllable without a sound, the 'amatras' )literally 'that which is beyond a mantra or syllable') that corresponds to the deep silence of infinity. When the AUM is chanted in the mind, it has to be expressed as a combination of the four syllables. Start with the 'AA' sound, then slowly morph it to the 'UU' sound, then flow into the 'MM' sound and then slowly taper the 'MM' into silence but keep flowing, for you are now uttering the fourth syllable which is pur silence. Keep flowing into the silence for a long moment before resuming the chant. This is the technique. .... By MANI SHANKAR



Fulfillment is not attained by an action. In every stage of your life you thought, "If this happens, my life will become complete." This thought may have come up. When you were a child you thought, "If I get this toy, my life will be complete.: You got it, but after three days you took it and threw it into the dustbin. Life did not attain fulfillment. When you were in school you thought that if you passed your examination, life would be complete. That happened, and still nothing changed. Then you thought that if you complete your education, your life would be complete. That too happened. Now you thought, what is the use of all this education if you are not able to stand on your own feet? That happened. After three months you began to think, what is the use of working like a donkey? If you get married to that man or woman who is in your heart, your life is made. That happened and then you know what happened.


Whatever action you may have performed, life has not attained any fulfillment. Fulfillment will not come because of some action that you perform. Only if your inner nature is complete, your life will attain fulfillment. If your inner nature is unbounded, your life is also be the same. Now, you can either sit with your eyes closed or you can perform different actions, either way your life is complete. When man has reached a state where, within himself, he does not have the need to perform any action and the actions that he performs are only to the extent required for an external situation, then that man has become complete.


Please see, why have you been performing one action after another? It is towards fulfillment, isn't it? People who do something in excess, when you ask them why they are doing it, they say, "What to do ? Food, wife, kids -- who will take care of them?" The truth is, even if you fulfill all his needs, this person cannot sit quietly for even a day. Why, he cannot even sit for three hours. He has to do something. This is because your inner nature has not attained fulfillment and you are trying to do so through your actions. Your actions are not for your food or comforts; they are in search of fulfillment. Whether this has happened with or without awareness, actions indicate the search for unboundedness.


If within you, your inner nature has attained fulfillment, there will be no need for action. If the external situation demands some action, you can do it joyously. If it is not needed, you can simply sit with your eyes closed. When a person has reached a state where there is no need to perform any action, we can say that the person has become unbounded. that does not mean that this person does not do any work at all. If the external situation demands it, he can work for 24 hours. But action is not needed for his inner nature. He is not bound to action. He is not something because of his actions..........

Fulfillment will not come because of an action that you perform. Only if your inner nature is complete, your life will attain fulfillment.

Good Sayings...36

701. Mistrust the man who finds everything good, the man who finds everything evil and still more the man who is indifferent to everything.... JOHANN K. LAVATER


702. We are an impossibility in an impossible universe.... RAY BRADBURY


703. There's something in every atheist, itching to believe, and something in every believer, itching to doubt.... MIGNON McLAUGHLIN


704. It is cruel, you know, that music should be so beautiful. It has the beauty of loneliness of pain: of strength and freedom. The beauty of disappointment and never-satisfied love. The cruel beauty of nature and everlasting beauty of monotony.... BENJAMIN BRITTEN


705. Love your enemies just in case your friend turn out to be a bunch of bastards.... R.A. DICKSON.


706. You don't get to pick your own nickname. They've gotta give you one. It's like we're all tryin' to make pets out of each other and we're not comfortable unless we get to name 'em....LAURA MONCUR


707. Illusion is the first of all pleasures... OSCAR WILDE


708. I have failed many times, and that's why I am a success.... MICHAEL JORDAN.


709. My whole career can be summed up with "Ignorance is bliss". When you do not know better, you do not really worry about failing... JEFF FOXWORTHY


710. Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind dont matter and those who matter don't mind... DR SEUSS


711. Middle age is when your broad mind and narrow waist begin to change places.... E. JOSEPH COSSMAN


712. A goal without a plan is just a wish....


713. A good home must be made, not bought.


714. A man without imagination is like a bird without wings.


715. A wise man will be the master of his mind. A fool will be its slave.


716. Act as if it were impossible to fail. That is the formula for success.


717. An angry man is seldom reasonable; a reasonable man is seldom angry.


718. The best advice is usually worthless - the wise do not need it, and the foolish will not heed it.


719. One who has never made a mistake, has never tried anything new.


720. Contentment consists not in great wealth, but in few wants.


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