Friday, 22 April 2011

Mantras for life... V. Balakrishnan

There are certain people who are always happy and contented.  Sages of the past ascribe to such people certain qualities that enable them to lead pleasant life.
Sabhirmanushyaissaha samproyoga...
Swapratyayaa vrithirabheethavaasa...
Shadjeevalokasya sukhani raajan...
Health, freedom from liabilities, adsence of a situation that compels one to live abroad, the company of virtuous people, congenial occupation and fearless course of life are the factors that leave a person delighted and satisfied.  A healthy mind is said to dwell in a healthy body.  Therefore, one has to keep the body energetic and free from diseases.
Liability of any kind is the root cause of tension and restlessness.  One should never borrow money if one is not in a position to repay.  Liabilities distance a person from friends and relatives and a "borrower" is looked upon with contempt and laughed at by his/her own kin and kith.  Hence, our forefathers warned us against borrowing and lending.
People leave their motherland at times of utter crisis - it may be financial or some other emergency situation.  But being forced to go abroad and settle down there is a pity since one can never have peace of mind.  Living away from near and dear ones, rid of the solace of one's native land and devoid of one's identity, leave people frustrated.  Such a person never experiences peace of mind.  Being able to live in one's own motherland is a blessing indeed.
We all need a job to earn a means of living.  But if the occupation does not satisfy our interests, it becomes a hard chore.  We must enjoy our work, only then can we do justice to it.  Any work which is not done full-heartedly, becomes mechanical, devoid of soul.
True friedns or the company of good people who are concerned about our progress promote our well-being.  Their words inspire us and full us with positive energy.  The fellow-feeling one shares with them adds to our confidence.  Hence, the sages say that the kind of people we associate with is a deciding factor in our peaceful existence.
While prescribing norms for a joyous and peaceful life, our forefathers did not forget to warn us against the possible flaws in one's character that bring about woes and worries and against which one has to stay alert.
Eershoorkhrinee thwasanthushta....
Khrodhamano nityasankita...
Shadethe dukhkhabhaagina.....
The people who keep watching others make riches and fortunes and stay envious of them can never be happy.
The sages of the past point out that six categories of people live in permanent dejection - the envious ones, the ones who cannot bear the worries of others, those discontented with what they have, the angry folk, the always-hesitant ones and those who depend on and serve the lucky ones to make a living.
The precepts evolved ages ago from long experience and observation, remain true universally even today.___  DR VENGANOOR BALAKRISHNAN is the author of Thaliyola, a book on Hindu beliefs and rituals.  He has also written books on the Vedas and Upanishads.  The author can be reached at

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