You can really learn what you really want to. Learning is certainly of great importance to us as individuals or as members of society. Unfortunately, many of us reach a certain stage of learning, and go through the remainder of lives coasting on the knowledge acquired till then. But to learn more what you need is right attitude. Above this, curiosity, enthusiasm, interest, concentration, problem-solving, memory and imagination, are all necessary ingredients for learning. Curiosity is the started; interest and enthusiasm are low gears; concentration and memory high gears; and accomplishment is the smooth level ride.
We are all capable of learning, for the simple reason that none of us know it all - or ever will. I think that when we stop learning we begin to stagnate - to die. Everybody knows the cliche, 'we learn something new everyday.' But do we? Can you honestly say that you learn something new every day? There are probably many things you'd like to learn, but haven't yet.
This brings us to the crux of the matter. That is the difference between the wish to learn and the will to learn. How many times you have said to yourself, "I wish I could do that", or "I wish i had the ability for this?" Well, you can wish and wish but never really learn anything. It is the will to learn that creates wonders. Suppose you have gone through an art museum, or seen some good paintings anywhere, you may have said in an offhand manner, "I wish I understood, or knew, a little bit about art", and that was the end of it.
But if the will to learn is present, you can learn to understand art. I'm sure, if you look around, you'll find many places that teach art appreciation. If there is no such place near you, you can take a correspondence course. As a matter of fact, if you look hard enough, you'll find that you can even take some of them free of charge.
The important thing here is to begin. Start learning a subject because you are interested in it, because you want to, and you'll continue to learn. Do you want to learn how to play golf, or tennis; how to make a speech; write a story; be a better salesman; speak a foreign language or drive a car? When it comes to acquiring knowledge, you have to be aware that knowledge never goes in vain, nevertheless the acquisition of knowledge with a particular aim is always of a great use. So if you want to learn anything, Start by looking over the entire field of thing you want to learn and proceed till you master it.... Shri K.V.S. Vijay Kumar, Editor WISDOM