Just feel the anxiousness of God for you my dear friend!
First He asks you to surrender your all works to Him(27/9) so that you can get freedom from results of your own works (whether it is bad or good).
In total conversation He repeatedly pleads to have your attention towards Him, just like we request our lover to think about us always!
And at the end of Gita He cant resists Himself. He demanded you, yes my dear complete you, completely. Even breaking all the laws!-"SARBA DHARMA PARITYAJYA MAM EKAM SHARANAM BRAJA" just like we say " there is nothing unfair in LOVE and war! "
What a beautiful call my friend! will you not response to it? who is eager in this selfish world for you only? No one.
In Gita He says "I am eager to meet you my friend, I love you, when will you come?"
So is it not a love letter from God?