Monday, 17 December 2007
Appearance of Swimmiting Pool
Jaya Stambh & Kirti Stambh
Ministry of Food Processing__
Meditation: Meditation is one pointed thinking. When you meditate on your chosen subject, the mind is focussed on one point. Meditation promotes concentration and makes your mind healthy and happy. Meditation helps avoid medication.
Laugh: "Laugh and live long". The day is a waste when you did not laugh. Laughter assures good health, happiness and relaxes body and mind.
Positive thinking: Life is what you make it by your thoughts. Always be optimistic and entertain positive thoughts which propel the mind to achieve your chosen goal.
Good Books: Select good books as you select your friends. A good book helps and a bad book harms. Read the best books are early as possible. Otherwise, you may not have an opportunity to read them at all.
Good friends: Your company shapes your character. "Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are". The influence of good friends is great in shaping your life.
Family: Make it a habit that all the members of your family meet once everyday and discuss freely on subjects of common interest.
Time: Time is precious. The entire riches of the world cannot buy back a minute lost. Do not waste time.
Success: Success is a way of life. Success means different things to different people. But in general success is fulfilment of your burning desire. Make everyday "a day of success".
Imagination: Train your mind to imagine beautiful, graceful and enliving scenes like a great honour to be conferred on you, your near and dear congratulating you on your grand success etc.,
Hard Work: Never postpone your work. Complete your work on time. Hard work gives solace and peace.
Fear: Statistics prove that more people die out of fear than disease. Fear kills, faith saves.
Mind: The most difficult thing in life is to control your mind. If you achieve control of your mind, you can achieve anything in life. When you remember what you want to remember and forget what you want to forget, you have absolute control of your mind. Never be idle. "An idel mind is a devil's workshop".
Exercise: Health is wealth. Exercise keeps you trim, promotes sound health and keeps you free from disease. It can be walking, yoga, jogging or any other aerobic exercise.
Smile: When you wear a smile, there is no need for any ornament. Everyone likes a person with a beaming smile. Smile makes friends. A smile is a passport for good relations.
Simple things: Enjoy simple things like a beautiful rose, a child's smile, sunrise, borderless sea, flying bird, flowing river, a handshake, a hug etc.,
Keep learning: Keep learning. It is an endless process from birth to death. You are in dark, the moment you stop learning.
Food: Eat only when you are hungry and stop eating while you are not hungery. Eat more vegetables and seasonal fruits and Sprouts.
Wit 'n' Wisdom
2. Forgiveness__ Forgiveness is giving up my right to hate you for hurting me.
Good Sayings-23
442. Man is never punished for his sins but by his sins.
443. Prayer without faith is like flower without fragrance.
444. Better lean peace than fat victory.
445. No bees, no honey; No work, no money.
446. To prevent worry and fatigue, put enthusiasm into your work.
447. The seed grows into the tree patiently and gently.
448. Peace rules the day, whereas reason rules the mind.__ William Collins
449. Deciding what you want most in life is the first step towards achieving it.
450. Riches serve a wise man but cammand fool.
451. Not he who has little, but he who wishes more, is poor.__Seneca
452. He has not learned the lesson of life who does not everyday surmount a fear.__Emerson
453. Study serves for delight, ornament and ability.__Francis Bacon
454. After supper sleep a while, after dinner walk a mile.
455. The wisest man may always learn something from the humblest peasant.__Senn
456. Words cut more than swords; through the wound be healed, yet a scar remains.
457. The most wasted of all days is that on which one has not laughed.__Chamfort
458. Have a purpose in life, and having it, throw into your work such strength of mind --------------and muscle as God has given you.
459. Self is lovelessness, love is selflessness.
460. Money comes and goes. Morality comes and grows.