Thursday, 14 October 2010

The Sovereign Remedy .... Swami Purushottamananda

Fear is not today's problem.  Fear is not any one man's problem nor of a certain class of people.  Fear has enveloped the whole world.  And then, fear is not of a single type; innumerable varieties of fears are there.  Everyone is tormented by one or the other type of fear, and all are busy in conquering their fears.  But what is the root  cause of all fears?  Sages have solved this riddle ages ago.  As long as man has identified himself with his body and mind he cannot get rid of fear completely.  But he can only minimize his fears by various means.  Swami Vivekananda says that the absolute remedy for overcoming fear lies in realizing one's true Self - the deathless, the birthless, the omnipotent, the omniscient Atman!  Because Atman, in other words God, alone is beyond all fear._ Swami Purushottamananda.


For many teenagers, their sudden bodily and mental changes come as a shock.  But this shock is only temporary - they soon realize that these changes are common to all the therefore nothing dangerous.  For some teenagers, however, the transition is not smooth.  The prolonged presence of fear may cause deep and long-lasting damage to their personality.  Such youngsters need sympathetic help from their elders.  They must be taught that they are going through a transition period, and a new body and a new mind are being formed, that all these changes are perfectly alright and are not signs of any weakness or disease.
Swami Vivekananda said a wonder-ful thing in this regard, which seems a reliable standard - "The best guide in life is Strength....  The sign of vigour, the sign of life, the sign of hope, the sign of health, the sign of everything that is good is - Strength."
What this means is as follows:  Watch impartially; none of these bodily and mental changes will weaken the body, nor bring about a loss of general health, nor lead to lack of vigour in the mind, which means that these changes are for the better and not for the worse.  In spite of these doubts and fears lingering in the mind, the students will manage to remain in usual spirits and keep up good academic performance.  If this happens, it means there is nothing to worry and the fears will slowly disappear when he or she evolves into an adult.
Fear affects different teenagers differently, according to their constitution, temperament and upbringing.  Some students are shy and diffident in making new acquaintances; some may find it difficult to accommodate themselves in a new environment; in some, it may manifest as a fear to speak boldly; in others it may result in a lack of confidence to shoulder even minor responsibilities; some may tend to avoid challenging opportunities while some may choose to remain reserved always.  Thus, it is not possible to say definitely how this "Adolescent fear" might affect an individual.
Knowing this, you should avoid comparing yourself with others.  Comparing with others will invariably leave you morose or disheartened; instead of such fruitless activities, busy yourself in developing the faculties and talents that you already possess.  These are beneficial, confidence-building measures.
It is better to know that in spite of all these steps and preventive measures, a little fear could continue to remain in the heart, mainly because adolescence is a period of transition; both body and mind undergo great changes; new feelings and aspirations enter the brain and heart; one's whole perspective of the world undergoes a sea-change.  During such turbulent periods, a little fear might remain in spite of all your efforts.  This you must learn to quietly put up with.  It will leave you when you pass out of adolescence and become an adult.  Time is the only remedy for this fear.  Bear with it patiently.
Identify some dependable, trust-worthy, sympathetic, helpful elders.  Approach them for general and specific guidance.  Their love and help will prove most beneficial to tide over turbulent times, quell your fear and remain happy and peaceful.  But, as we have already mentioned, speaking of these fears with our same-aged friends and brooding over them will only make a mountain of more-hill and bring in unwanted suffering.

USING FEAR - FOR SELF-PROTECTION ... Swami Purushottamananda

In spite of all the arguments against fear, it has a positive role in our lives.  It acts as a stimulus for our self-protection.  If we had no fear, how could we guard ourselves against dangers from wicked people or wild beasts?  For self-protection, carefulness and caution are inevitable and these proceed only from a sense of fear.  Thus, it is fear that helps us to protect ourselves.
However, fear turns into a real evil when we start fearing illogically - for instance, imagining hideous things staying in the dark, or having a fear in your heart even after preparing well for the exams, or becoming too nervous waiting for the results, or stage fright, or accidents, etc.  There are some youngsters who compulsively imagine an accident while riding a vehicle, and some others who yield to stage fright even before small, friendly gatherings.  Hundreds of such silly reasons for baseless fears can be found.
If you entertain such baseless fears, there is no end to it and your whole life could be doomed to be a horrible hell!  So, learn to think clearly and steer clear of such baseless fears and try to lead a happy, wholesome life.  Again, Swami Vivekananda will prove to be of great help in this effort.  His powerful will be most effective in dispelling many kinds of ignorance and will instill a new life in your fear-stricken soul......

FEAR : THE REMEDIES ... Swami Purushottamananda

It is most essential therefore, that youngsters take appropriate steps to wipe off this blot on their personality - the blot of Fear and Cowardice.

1.  Clarity of thought  is the most useful tool in dispelling fear.  You must be able to analyse circumstances and experiences in your own life, boldly and impartially.  In order to learn to think clearly and analyse meaningfully, you will have to associate with brave, wise men who know how to do it.
        It is essential to live in an atmosphere which is throbbing with bravery and confidence and courage in order to imbibe these faculties.  Such wise men create this kind of an atmosphere around themselves.  The environment itself will have a tremendous positive impact on your mind and the personal influence of these elders will gradually bring about a revolution in your mind.

2. Never give expression  to your fears even if they enter your heart once in a while.  Use your willpower and forcefully throw out the thoughts that cause fear immediately.  And vigorously recall strength-giving ideas, especially Swami Vivekananda's words.

       Give your mind some strong auto-suggestions such as :  I am bold, I am strong.

       Giving expression to fear through words or gestures only enhances it all the more.  And it will provoke others to take undue advantage of your fearful state.  Once you get into a lower position in the eyes of others and allow them to bully you it will be very difficult for your to set yourself again to a state on par with them.

3.  Fill up your mind with powerful ideas  and healthy, positive thoughts.  Always think and speak of boldness, bravery and courage.  Read strength-giving literature.

       You will have to read powerful ideas and assimilate them.  Swami Viveka- nanda, the epitome of Strength and Courage Incarnate, has bequeathed a priceless legacy of strength and courage in the form of his letters and lectures.  You must make a sincere effort to study this literature - a veritable treasure-house of power.  This is a study that will open new horizons before your mind and introduce you to many new and powerful ideas.  Allow Swami Vivekananda's ideas to just enter your mind once and then watch for yourself how your personality will get transformed.

4.  Never sit idle when some fear arises in your heart.  If you sit idle, you will start brooding over it.  That will only enhance the fear in your heart.  The popular proverb - " an idle mind is the devil's workshop" has great truth in it.  This proverb actually explains the state of our own mind!  So, when fear arises in your heart, don't sit idle.  Get up at once and do one of the following:
  a.  Start reading Swami Vivekananda's words of strength and hope.
  b.   Take up some constructive and creative activity.
  c.  Go to some dependable elders you know and spend some time in their elevating  presence.
  d.   Take deep breaths rhythmically and do some methodical exercises.
  e.  Pray intensely to God in whichever form you like.

5.  If you want to achieve success in overcoming fear, there are certain rotten personal habits you must avoid at all costs:
  a.  Wandering about doing nothing
  b.  Losing yourself in idle gossip
  c.  Brooding over your weaknesses
  d.  Postponing your duties
  e.  Lingering in an undecided state of mind.

       All of these exhaust the brain, weaken the mind, and drain all your energies, leaving the inner core of your personality greatly damaged.

      A more detailed list of remedies is given later.

FEAR : THE CAUSE... Swamy Purushottamananda

More and more students are developing various fear complexes and phobias than ever before.  In all aspects of their life, fear seems to be stopping them from going ahead.  Often, they are found to be afraid for no apparent reason.  Many students again, are afraid for reasons which they cannot express to others.  Even those in the prime of their youth are found to be devoid of courage and a spirit of adventure.  Swami Vivekananda thundered, "I want iron wills and hearts that do not know how to quake."  But, alas! youths who should actually radiate energy and be filled with bravery and courage are often seen to exhibit their opposite qualities!  When a challenging situation comes up, by taking part in which, these youths could develop these positive qualities in their personality, they are found to be strangely backing out beating a retreat and accepting failure, all in a queer and stupid manner.  What is the reason?  Lack of Self-Confidence.
A weak body is the root cause for this lack of Self-Confidence.  Added to this weak body is a weak mind that further complicates the matter.  A weak mind is a safe heaven for fear and cowardice.  "I am inclined to believe that one who is a coward will be born after death as an insect or a worm..." said Swami Vivekananda.  A young mind is a storehouse of unbounded energy and enthusiasm.  And this great curse of weakness is ruining it and destroying personalities.  So, students must recognise the reasons for the ruin of their personality and make the best use of time in their formative years.
As a student, you should know that it is quite possible to overcome fear.  The sooner this conviction comes to your, the better.

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