Monday, 23 July 2007

Live from Inside Out

Values held by an individual, in life, are the cornerstone of his mental make-up. It is only by living by one's values that one fulfils oneself. Values get reflected in the work and performance, of an individual as well in his life style. One can rise in life by applying and living the values. It is your values, which hold you back or give a push to your success in life. Values create a vision. Living and working by one's value is sometimes difficult, but it is more rewarding than any other temporary achievement. Everything in life needs managements. More than any other management, time management is most important. If you can manage your time properly, you can have time for everything you want to do. It requires adjustment, but this is the only way you can fulfil your ambition in life. The exploision in knowledge and information, in the present times, is truly mind-boggling. For success, each one of us has to keep pace with the latest developments. Knowledge is not something static. It has to be replenished and renewed periodically, to keep pace with the changing times. If it is not renewed or updated, it becomes a product which has outlivedits life. Our economy, ourlife, our jobs and professions are knowledge-driven. Always give enough time to yourself to regroup and plan your ideas before you put them into action. Take time to renew yourself. If you look around, you will notice plenty of opportunities. Succeeding is a matter of encashing on the opportunities, which keep on knocking at your door for attention.
Develop the art of getting your due from others. Attitude is as imporant as skills. Sometimes positive attitude can compensate for any skill. Upfront of your attitude should always be right and it should have the approval of both your head and heart. Set your goal and path after careful deliberation. Having done so, you should go all out to achieve it. Only keeping yourself on your pre-defined path will lead you to success. Never have a closed mind or preconceived opinions about any approach, method or persons. Always keep on building your intellectual capital. You should always be demanding from yourself, to stay ahead. High standards set by you can never be enough. They have to be revised once you have achieved one set of goals. Guard yourself against obsolence. The new discoveries, inventions and technology can easily make the present-day approach obselete quickly. We have to keep on changing and find ways of using the new approaches as well technology. Our success depends on how we proceed to use it. Some time ago, everybody believed television to be only for entertainment. Now it is taken as a vehicle for social and attitudinal changes. Internet and E-mail were foreign words a few years ago. A fax machine was a rarity and and it was only the teleprinter,which was regarded as the latest technology in transmitting the written word. Mobile or cellular phones were considered as something reserved only for the gods. It depends on each one of us to put to best use the labour, discoveries and inventions, not only for the betterment of society but also for our own progress and moving ahead in life.
Learn from Others
We always learn from our own and other's experiences as well as mistakes. One way to have fun on one's job is to separate a problem from other activities. Then concentrate on the problem to find out its solution. Attempting a solution itself leads to a number of activities. The final outcome of all such activities is the vanquishing the problem. All initiatives start and end with the person attempting to solve any problems or difficulties. It is for us to clarify our doubts about any problems by either checking up with our friends or colleagues or experts or internet, available to us. We should learn to personalise our knowledge to keep ourselves on the top. We should cultivate dreams that outlive us. We should cultivate dreams that outlive us. We should take up challenges with a firm belief ourselves. God has gifted each one of us, with inner courage, resources, power and energised us to achieve excellence in our chosen fields. It is upto each one of us to be our best friends or the worst enemy. It is again upto each one of us to either indulge in or cut out the blame game. It is easy to find alibis or a blameworthy object, to explain away or account for our own failures. It can be in the form of a person or an event or a place for failures. The responsibility is ours. It is up to each one of us to build self-confidence in ourselves. Our effort should be to charter our life towards consistent and positive improvement, to new goals. Be on the fast track and make it a habit to have an exhilarating journey through life. There is always a link between your learning, kjnowledge and skills and your livelihood. No two situations are similar. Still the other people's experience can sometimes point out to the right direction, instead of our learning through our own mistakes.
Success in life is all about attitudes, we cultivate, show and display in our lives. What you get in life, is in direct proportion to your attitude. It is strange but tre that it is each one of us who contribute in making our attitude what it is. There is nothing wrong in being ambitious as long as one puts one's heart and soul to achieve clear objectives and goals. Never be impatient and over-demanding when looking for immediate results. You have to learn to be fair and ethical, both for the people you work and work with. Potentials can be used to the maximum if we develop our way of self-confidence and tackle any problem that comes our way intelligently. Punctuality in the performance of your work should not be periodical and sporadic. It is some-thing which should become a habit and a convenience with you. If you can keep your house spic and span, remember to keep your office or work place so.
There are no rewards for unemployable people. Do not be the under the illusion that the world owes you a living. It should be the first charge on your time to solve the problems and not seek or give justifications as to why things have not been done well. Find time to take on new responsibilities, so that you become and also get the reputation of a trouble-shooter. Intellectual obsolescene has no rewards anywhere in the world. If you do not change and improve with the times, you will not only remain under employed or unemployed, but you may become unemployable. You should remove stones and obstacles of inefficiency from the path of your work and organisation. Never thrive on excuses when things go wrong or try to win points when the performance is on downhill path. Do not expect your organisation to take care of your expectations unles you first take care of it. Do not turn the definition of punctuality topsy-turvy, by coming late and going away on time. It relfects callousness, inefficiency and sloth. Decide where you want to reach - and you would. Cash on the opportunities that come your way. The Choice is entirely upto each one of us.

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