Wednesday, 24 October 2007

Good Sayings-18

341. Money is at the root of half the evils in the world, lack of it is the root of other half.

342. The fewer the words, the better the prayer.__Martin Luther

343. Even when a man thinks he is out of debt there is probably someone to whom he owes an apology.
344. A bad book is a big thief, for it robs a man of his time, money and good principles.
345. Wealth never stays, use it on things that stay.__Thirukkural
346. He who should search for pearls must dive below.
347. He who inflicts suffering upon another brings suffering on himself__J.P. Vaswani
348. The world is always more curious to hear about vice than virtue.
349. An autobiography usually reveals nothing bad about its writer except his money.__Franklin P. Jones
350. When two men always agree, one of them is unnecessary.__ William Wrigley Jr.
351. The general explanation of good luck is hard work, common sense and frugality.
352. The gold and iron threads of happiness and sorrow are inextricably bound together in our lives.
353. Humility is a strange thing. The minute you think you have got it you have lost it.
354. In quarrelling the truth is always lost.__Publilius Syrus
355. A man who neglects his duty as a citizen is not entitled to his rights as a citizen.__Tiorio
356. Small opportunities are often the beginning of great enterprises.__Demosthenes
357. Difficulties don't crush a man-They make him
358. Those who make the worst use of their time most complain of its shortness.
359. When growth stops, decay begins. It is true for both organisms and organizations.
360. That man is prudent who lends his ears and restrains his tongue.__Tiruvalluvar

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