Wednesday, 12 December 2007

Good Sayings-21

401. Work is the grand cure of all the maladies and miseries that ever worry mankind.__Thomas Carlyle

402. The trouble with the future is that it usually arrives before we are ready for it.__Arnold Glasow.

403. Suffering brings wisdom, pleasure takes it away.__Paramahansa Satyananda

404. A thing of beauty is a joay for ever.__John Keats.

405. Prosperity makes friends and adversity tries them.

406. Anyone can be polite to a king, but it takes a gentlemen to be polite to a beggar.

407. Excellence is the result of always striving to do better.__Pat Riley

408. That man is great, who can use the brains of others to carry on his work.__Donn Piatt

409. A great man is made of qualities that make great occassions.__J.R.Lowell

410. Two things are bad for the heart -- running upstrains and running down people.

411. Be honest and hard working. Hard work is equal tro prayer.__Lal Bahadur Sastri.

412. Hatred does not cease by hatred but only by love; this is the eternal rule__Budda.

413. Learning from the experience of the elders is the greatest homage paid to them.

414. When there is no peril in the fight there is no glory in the triumph.__Corneille
415. Good health and good sense are two of life's greatest blessings.
416. To be proud of learning is the greatest ignorance.
417. All the treasures of earth cannot bring back one lost moment!
418. An investment in knowledge pays the best interest.
419. Everything in the modern home is controlled by switches except the children.
420. Silence is the ornament of the illiterate especially in the assembly of learned men.

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