Monday, 8 October 2007

Who is Lunatic ?-`-`-`-`-`

1.----This world of God

---------Is wonderful magic

-----Everyone is running

---------Like a merry Lunatic.


2.----Some are running with a bat

----------Some are running with a ball

------Some are running after heroes

----------Some are running after fans

------This is the Craze of

----------The modern young man.


3.-----Some are running after voters

----------Some are running after leaders

-------Some are running after members

-----------To increase their number

***** What is this race? If you ask them
--------------Their answer is :

'It is a political game.'

-------Some are running after Money
-------Some are running after Sex
-------Some are running after Power
-------Some are running after Name

Why this running ? If you ask them__ their answer is 'We are The Modern Men'.

--------Some are leading a Pure Life
--------Some are searching for Truth
--------Some spend their time In the company of a Saint
--------Some read holy books, Visit Holy Places

Those who are doing such things Worldly people call them Rank lunatics.

God is real;
----This world is but a dream
All religions teach almost
----The same theme
Think and act
----If you want the cream
Live in this world,
----But learn how to swim.

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