Friday, 2 November 2007

Attitude Decides One's Altitude

"Work is the foundation of business, source of all prosperity and the parents of genius". With love, work makes life sweet, purposeful and fruitful. But it must be remembered that a person's interest in work comes from his 'positive' attitude towards it. The employee's 'Positive Attitude' helps an organisation to realise its goal effortlessly.
The term 'attitude' has both positive and negative aspects. An incident that happened in the United States of America comes in handy to explain the difference between the two. A company, manufacturing slippers, wished to explore the market for the product in a little known island. The organisation deemed it fit to send a representative for the purpose. The employee proceeded to the place and found that non of the inhabitants was sporting slippers. Since he had a negative mindset, he reported that the chances of marketing the product are dim as no one wore slippers. Not pleased with the report, the management sent another representative to the island. This person reported that there was a great opportunity to market slippers since no one sported it. No wonder, the company implemented the second report and achieved creditable success. It is this positive attitude that is essential in all walks of life, to achieve any 'progress' worth the name.
Former Indian Captain Sourav Ganguly has made a remarkable comeback after a gap of 10 months, which is by no means easy. The lefthander believed in himself and this positive attitude translated his hunger for runs into solid performances.
Let us have the determination of a mirror which does not lose its ability to reflect even if it is broken into thousand pieces. Of course, it is positive attitude that is the driving force for grabbing opportunities, showing endurance and achieving success in any field.
Attitude along decides one's altitude.____S. Ramakrishnasayee..,,,,

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