Friday, 2 November 2007

Enrich Your Vocabulary-2

Chronology: Science of computing dates; arrangement of dates or times of occurence.

Cosmogony: Theory about the origin of Universe.

Epidemiology: Study of epidemics and their control.

Escapology: Techniques of escaping from confinement or box, esp. as entertainment.

Etymology: Branch of linguistic science that deals with formation of the word and development of meaning.

Ethnology: Science of human races and their relation to one another and their characteristics.
Fidus Achates: Faithful friend, devoted follower.
Gaff: To let out plot or secret; Public place of amusement.
Haberdasher: Dealer in small articles of dress etc.
Bigot: Intolerant and obstinate believer in a religion or political theory.
Coddle: To protect attentively; treat as an invalid.

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