Thursday, 25 December 2008

"Trade Winds"

Q: What are 'trade winds'?

W: 'Trade Winds' are persistent and warm moist winds that blow westward from the high pressure zones between 30 degree North and 30 degree South latitude towards the doldrums or the intertropical convergence zone at the equator. They are called Northeasterlies in the Northern Hemisphere and Southeasterlies in the Southern Hemisphere. These winds were first termed as 'Trade Winds' because they used to help the sea-merchants in sailing their ships as the direction of the trade winds remains more or less constant and regular. There are variations in the weather conditions in different parts of trade winds.

Mobile Phone

Q: Who invented the mobile phone?

A: The Chicago police department in the 1930s pioneered the use of a form of mobile telephone (two way radio) to stay ahead of prohibition gangsters. The mobile phone or the cellular phone as we know today was invented by Dr. Martin Cooper of Motorola. It was used for the first time in 1973 in a demonstration call, which was made by cooper to his rival Joel Angel, the head of research at Bell Laboratories. The frequency switching system that allows cell phones to work was invented in the 1930's by Hollywood beauty Hedy Lamarr. The Bell Laboratories built a prototype cell system by 1977 which was tested by two thousand selected customers.

world's first Encyclopaedia

Q: Who compiled the world's first encyclopedia?

A: In all probability, the first encyclopaedia was compiled by the Greek philosopher Plato's nephew, Speusippus, who recorded his uncle's ideas on mathematics, natural history and philosophy in about 348 BC. Speusippus also included Aristotle's lecture notes in the encyclopedia. The Chinese, on the other hand, claim that the Yongle Canon or Yongle Dadian, compiled between 1403 AD and 1407 AD and running to more than 11,000 books, was the world's first encyclopedia. The whole work was too vast to print, hence only two manuscripts were made.
The prototype of the modern encyclopedia was Ephraim Chamber's Cyclopaedia published in 1728 while the first English language encyclopaedia was the Encyclopaedia Britannica published in 1768 which became available on the Internet in 1999. The Encyclopaedia Americana was the first multi-volume encyclopaedia which was published in thirteen volumes between 1829 and 1833 in the United States and had expended to thirty volumes by 1919.


Q: Who are Eskimos?

A: Eskimos are a Mongoloid race native to the Arctic coasts of Greenland, North America and north-east Asia. They are believed to have crossed the Bering Strait from Asia in about 200 BC. The Eskimos, who speak dialects of the Eskimo-Aleut language family, have preserved their cultural identity to a remarkable degree. Many of them still live by hunting and fishing using traditional skills to exploit the unyielding Arctic environment. Seals, fish, walrus and whales re hunted for food, fuel and clothing. Travel on land is by dog-sledge and on the water by kayak or Umiak, a skin boat. During hunting expeditions, temporary igloo shelters are sometimes built, but the basic home, in which the Eskimos live in small communal groups, is made of sod, driftwood and stone. Tents of hide or sealskin are used in the summer. The traditional Eskimo religion draws heavily on rich folklore. In Greenland, many Eskimos have adopted Christianity. Shamanism is also practised.

Friday, 24 October 2008

How much....?

A guy asks a lawyer what his fee is.
"I charge $ 50 for three questions," the lawyer says.
"That's awfully steep, isn't it?" the guy asks.
"YES", the laywyer replies, "Now what's your final question?"

Bid Adieu to a Stressed Lifestyle...Chhaya Toshniwal

Men lead a stressful life, what with them being the only breadwinners in the family. There's a lot that they need to think about and manage their finances well in order to make ends meet. But getting stressed is not the only solution. Psychiatrist Dr. Ch. Venkata Suresh at Yashoda Hospital, Hyderabad gives us a few tips to lead a stress-free life.
Though we all know that a good lifestyle is important to lead a happy life, Dr. Suresh says, "Men should avoid anxiety-proviking substances like tea, coffee, alcohol and tobacco. And do daily regular exercises."
This is not all. The doctor also advises men to involve themselves in relaxation therapies like Pranayama. "If the concerned person is still not relieved of stress, then he should consult a phychiatrist. The psychiatrist will make him do stress-releasing exercises like bio feedback (where an instrument will play unacceptable music when he is stressed out and will play melodious music when the person is relaxed)," says the doctor.
However, remember to have a glass of water and two bananas before going to sleep at night because this will make you have a sound sleep and will reduce stress. Also, have a bath with lukewarm water before going to sleep, suggests the doctor.


Three guys, stranded on a deserted island, find a magic lantern containing a genie, who grants them each one wish. The first guy wishes he was off the island and back home. The second guy wishes the same. The third guy says "I'm lonely. I wish my friends were back here.".........

Weak Vs Strong__ Mahathma Gandhi

The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong..... MohanDas Karamchandh Gandhi

Monday, 13 October 2008

All that money you have lost, where did it go?...DC/// By ERIC CARVIN

Trillions in stock market value -- gone. Trillions in retirement savings --- gone. A huge chunk of the money you paid for your house, the money you are saving from college, the money your boss needs to make payroll -- gone, gone, gone.
Whether you are a stock broker or Joe Six-pack, if you have a 401 (k), a mutual fund or a college savings plan, tumbling stock markets and sagging home prices mean you have lost a whole lot of the money that was right there on your account statements just a few months ago.
But if you no longer have that money, who does? The fat cats on Wall Street? Some oil baron in Saudi Arabia? The government of China? Or is it just -- gone?
If you are looking to track down your missing money -- figure our who has it now, may be ask to have it back -- you might be disappointed to learn that is was never really money in the first place. Mr Robert Shiller, an economist at Yale, puts it bluntly: The notion that you lose a pile of money whenever the stock market tanks is a "fallacy." He says the price of a stock has never been the same thing as money -- it's simply the "best guess" of what the stock is worth> "We are just recording a measure of what people think the stock market is worth." Though some thing, of course, is disappearing as markets and real estate values tumble. Even if a share of stock you own isn't a wad of bills in your wallet, even if the value of your hime isn't something you can redeem at will, surely you can lose potential money -- that is, the money that would be yours to spend if you sold your house or emptied out your mutual funds right now. And if you are a few months away from retirement, or hoping to sell your house and buy a smaller one to help pay for your kid's college tuition, this "potential money" is something you are counting on to get by.
For people who need cash and need it now, this is as real as money gets, whether or not it meets the technical definition of the word. Still, you run into trouble when you think of that potential money as being the same thing as the cash in your purse or your checking account. There's a key distinction here: While the money in your pocket is unlikely to just vanish into thin air, the money you could have had, if only you'd sold your house or drained your stock-heavy mutual funds a year ago, most certainly can.
" You can't enjoy the benefits of your 401 (k) if it's disappeared," Jorgenson explains. "If you had it all in financial stocks and they've all gone down by 80 percent --- sorry! That is a permanent loss because those folks aren't come back.".......

Friday, 10 October 2008

Dhat Syndrome rests in the Mind.....Dr. D. NARAYANA REDDY

Suraj, who had attempted suicide, was brought to my clinic by his father. The reason, he was gradually losing the elixir of his life - SEMEN. He had nocturnal emissions and whenever he strained while passing stools, semen was coming out along with urine. How long could he manage to live with his failing manhood and health?
Suraj was suffering from a psychological condition known as "Dhat Syndrome".
The word DHAT is derived from the Sanskrit word DHATHU meaning a constituent part of the body, in other words, semen.
It is basically a concept developed from the cultural belief that semen is precious. There is no scientific basis to the belief that one drop of semen equals 100 drops of blood.
People believe that semen is the most concentrated, perfect and powerful body substance. Hence its preservation guarantees health and longevity. Others believe that loss of semen robs the body of its vital breath and the vital spirits.
These misconceptions cause emotional distress resulting in various problems: Exhaustion, weakness, dryness of the body, emaciation, sunken eyes, palpitation, sleeplessness, etc. The resulting depression could even drive them to suicide. The consumed food is broken down into simpler compounds by our digestive system and then transported through blood stream to various organs to nourish them. Thus nourished, the sex glands testes, seminal vesicles and prostate glands secrete the components of semen. Thus it is obvious that there is no direct correlation between the quantity of semen and the quantity of blood.
What is passed along with urine is not semen but secretions of the urethral glands. If a man has constipation and exerts pressure while passing stools this pressure is relayed from the rectum to the urethra. This pressure squeezes these glands and their secretions accumulate in the urinary passage. When urine is passed out, these accumulated secretions travel along with the urine.
1. The production of semen is an unending process except when there is an infection, injury or birth defect.
2. Semen can't be stored in the body beyond a point. It must be released.
3. The value of semen rests with producing a child, nothing more.
4. Semen and urine cannot mix unless there is a defect in the valve in the genital tract.

Monday, 6 October 2008

Control your Desire....,,,,

There is a good illustration of the nature of anger given by the Perfect Master Ramakrishna. He was from the area around Calcutta and the Ganges flowed by his ashram. One day Ramakrishna was standing by the river with his disciples and, pointing to a boat moving upstream, he gave this parable on anger.
The boatman rowing upstream sees another boat, far off, moving downstream towards him. He shouts, "Hey, watch out! Change your course, look out!" But the boat continues to rush towards him and, as it comes closer, he sees that there is nobody in the boat. Now is he going to continue to yell at the boat to change its course? No, he is simply going to change his own course and steer around the on rushing boat.
Ramakrishna said, "The one who is angry is like a boat which has no captain, steer away. Don't stand and throw words back at the boat in anger. Steer aside. Otherwise neither boat has a captain".
On mastering the mind, Ramakrishna said, "Once I had the desire to put on a goldembroidered robe, weat a ring on my finger, and smoke a hubble-bubble with long pipe. Mathur Babu procured all these things for me. I wore the gold-embroidered robe and said to myself after a while, 'Mind! This is what is called a gold-embroidered robe'. Then I took it off and threw it away. I could not stand the robe any more. Again I said to myself, 'Mind! This is called a ring, and this, smoking a hubble-bubble with a long pipe'. I threw those things away once for all, and the desire to enjoy them never arose in my mind again".

Friday, 19 September 2008

Sharing of past experiences.... DC

What do men think about discussing past relationships? Personally, I like to keep my past in the past and there are some things I'm definitely not proud of. Also, at what point in the relationship is this conversation OK?

ANS.... At first, guys don't think much at all about your past relationships. They're just thrilled to be on a date at all, let alone in the frame of mind to start grilling you about how many boyfriends you've had, how recently, and whether any of them have a restraining order against them.
We realise it can be different for women. They want to know the general details precisely because those details offer insight into how you might end up treating them. If the guy is discovered, for instance, he should not be surprised to be asked on the first date, " So, what happened in your marriage?" Of course, that is not only an insensitive thing to ask on a first date, but it's also the kind of question likely to cause you to order that third martini.
But sooner or later, past experiences will become a valid topic of conversation. Ideally it should happen organically, while describing some event or accomplishment in which you can't help but mention like when you climbed Mount Kilimanjaro with an ex-boyfriend. But there is no reason to get into the details. What you did in that mountainside tent is between you, the wind and the Sherpas.

Monday, 15 September 2008

Legend of Vestal Virgins.....

Have you ever heard the expression, "As pure as a Vestal Virgin"? If you have then this is the legend of the Vestal Virgins and you will soon discover how and why the expression came into being. In ancient Rome, the Vestal Virgins were the virgin holy priestesses of Vesta, the gooddess of the hearth. Their primary taks was to maintain the sacred fire of Vesta, and they were the only female priests within the Roman religious system. The Vestal Virgins however, went onto become a powerful force within the Roman state. For instance, they were included in the matter of all dedications and ceremonies by the emperor Augustus Caesar.
Legend has it that the Vestal Virgins were committed to the priesthood at a yound and tender age and were sworn to celibacy for a period of 30 years. These thirty years were divided into three periods of a decade each -- 10 were spent as students, 10 in service and 10 as teachers. The Vestal Virgins who were considered holy and pure (hence the expression), were cosen by the high prest and were required to be free of physical and mental defects, have two living parents and to be daughters fo free-born Italian residents. Their tasks included the maintenance of the fire sacred to Vesta, collecting water from a sacred spring, the preparation of food used in rituals and caring for any sacred objects within the temple's sanctuary.
The dignities and privileges accorded to them were many, owing to their high status. For instance, unlike most Roman women they had the right to own property, make a will and vote. In national crisis, their advice was undisputed, and they were entrusted with important state documents. They could free condemned prisoners and slaves by merely touching them. In fact, it's said that if a prisoner on his way to the gallow met a Vestal Virgin, he was automatically pardoned. The chief festival of Vesta was the Vestalia which was celebrated from June 7 to June 15. On June 7 only, her sanctuary (which normally no one except her priestesses, the Vestal Virgins, entered) was accessible to mothers of families who brought her offerings in the form of plates of food. The simple ceremonies were officiated over by the Vestals and they gathered grain and made salty cakes for the festival. However, the College of the Vestal Virgins was disbanded by order of emperor Thedosius I in 394 BC.....

Metaphor.....Echo words or Onomatopoeia....omymoron....parody.....solecism....tautology.........

Do you know What is Metaphor is?

It is using a phrase to describe something else without making a direct comparison.
Example:- It's raning cats and dogs...
Words that are coined to imitate the sounds they represent are also called Echo Words or Onomatopeoia.
Example: The door closed with bang (the sound that the door makes when it closes hard).
A phrase which uses contradictory words or exaggeration or for effect is called an Omymoron.
Example: Seema, thank you for bringing me some food. That is a terribly kind gesture.
When you copy some's writing style with different words in an attempt to make fun of it, it's called a parody. This often applies to stories and plays. A Pun is a funny statement or a joke that is based on words that are similar in some way.
Example: They tod me that exits were on the way out.
Similes are figues of speech which express similarities between different things.
Example: As good as gold, like a bat out of hell.
A Solecism is the ungrammatical or incorrect use of the language.
Example: I don't know nothing.
Example: Seema was the most tallest girl in the class.
Example: Seema did not know a lot much about the subject.
Tautology is the use of a series of words that have the same meaning.
Example : The young boy who was still a lad (young boy is a lad).
Example: It was 4 pm in the afternoon (pm is the afternoon).

Who am I?

I am tied up at lest once a day .....
.... And forced to carry ten nails.....
I work diligently without any pay...
... And follow your many trails.....
I might not smell very well.....
.....But at least I have many eyes.....
I have two tongues but never yell.....
...... And I will bet you know my size...........

What am i ???????????????

Answer: Shoes

Tuesday, 5 August 2008


I recently read that love is entirely a matter of entirely a matter of chemistry___ that must be why my wife treats me like toxic waste............. DAVID BISSONETTE

Little things makes happy wives.....PRIYA RAMACHANDRAN

Marriage is more than just an institution for most men. It is full time job which has to be worked at every single day and that's saying it in the most optimistic sense.
May be one can't totally unravel the mystery, but you should know for a fact that it takes more for men than just conventional marital therapy like getting in touch with their feelings, talking about their feelings, feeling their wives' feelings, and the whole communication shindig. Most married men agree that it is the little things like bearing the wife's endless shopping trips, putting up with her gaggle of friends and relatives and of course, putting down the toilet seat that ensures the smooth running of the engine.
The male half of happily married couples in the shobiz talk about what it takes to keep the marriage alive everyday. Singer Shaan who is known for his loving relationship with his wife feels that understanding the psyche of women helps a lot. "Men and women are made from completely different hardware. When men have a stressful day at work, they want to go home and retreat to their nest. May be we just want to sit in front of the television of or read the paper. Point is, they want to forget and not talk about it. Women, on the other hand, come home from a stressful day and want their husbands to notice. They want to talk. They want a hug. So even if that is what you don't want to do, talk. I've always followed this technique and it is worked wonders," he exclaims.
Who said marriage is perfect asks Nikhil Chinappa who is married to his long-term girlfriend DJ Pearl. "It feels great being with someone who understands you. But we sure have our differences. For instance, I'm never going to share my records. They are still mine__ most fights are over my cleanliness habits or rather lack of it. When I don't pick up after myself, Pearl gets annoyed. Even I get irritated when she takes long to get ready. But we work around these little things and are very happy," he says.
For badminton player Chetan Anand, having a wife who is also a badminton player was a great boon. "Jwala has a fiesty nature and people would gossip a lot that she was dominating. Her candid outbursts get her much attention but win her few friends. I'm the balancing force in her life just like she is in mine. Her freedom is important to her and I ensure she does what she wants. I never stop her from going to dinners or movies with friends. I give her own space," he says.
The common belief that once you are married, romance is lost is not always true .,.,.,. feels Director Kabir Khan, who is married to television anchor Mini Mathur says, "Today we're the same Cupid-struck lovers we were. I keep her happy by accompanying her on her shopping trips and family visits. And she lets me go on my all-guy backpacking trips. We travel a lot together and travelling is one thing that makes you very clued in to each other's likes and dislikes...................

Tuesday, 8 July 2008

What is migraine?

Migraine is very special variety of "sick headache" and requires special treatment under midical supervision. There are different forms of migraine, but there is a definite pattern underlying all. An attack of migraine starts with some alteration of vision, followed by a well localised severe headache which may end in nausea and vomiting. The whole thing is caused by a poorly understood disorder of the blood vessels. There are special drugs, mostly derivatives of ergot, which are effective, especially if used when the first signs of an attack appear. although there is a direct physical cause for an attack, it is also certain that some of the trouble in psychological tenseness. People with migraine are often rather anxious, striving and perfectionist. A psychological treatment helping the patient to cope up with his personal problem could mitigate migraine.
The combination of a new drug and a push-button autoinjector device has led to faster relief for migraine sufferers. A London-based pharmaceutical group has eased the pain for sufferers with a device that is simply held to the skin and, at the touch of a button, administers a shot of a novel Imigran drug. When Imigran is administered this way, it provides relief within ten minutes, and the symptoms are completely eliminated within two hours. The autoinjector is specially designed for Imigran by migraineurs; the whole container is a little larger than a pack of cards, and the injector itself is the size of an average felt-tip marker pen. Another cardinal feature is that the syringe and needle are hidden from view throughout the operation.

Who appoints Judge of High Court, India___?

July 8th, 2008 by bhaskar The chief Justice and other judges are appointed by the President in consultation with Chief Justice of India and appointment of the Governor of the State concerned. In case of appointment of a judge other than the Chief Justice, the Chief Justice of the High Court concerned must also be consulted. The Constitution does not indicate whether the President should be bound by the consultations and suggestions from all those mentioned above.

Who first made the television..?

In April 1925, a small, rather unkempt young man sat on a stand In a London department store, tinkering with an outlandish piece of apparatus which comprised a tea chest, an empty biscuit box and several hat boxes, darning needles, bicycle lamp lenses, valves, discarded electric motors, piano wire, glue, string and sealing wax. He was John Logie Baird, the inventor of television, who had been engaged by the store owner Gordon Selfridge to spend three weeks conducting his experiments in public. Shoppers who paused to watch this noval attraction of the archetype inventor at work were invited to peer through a frame at a distinct image of the letter H flickering on a tiny screen. They did not know it, but those shoppers were the world’s first television viewers. Baird’s technical developments and the parallel research that was going on in America and Britain were already making their own crude receivers when in July 1928, the Daven Corporation of Newark, New Jersay, advertised the first commercially produced television set for sale. Station WGY had already begun transmitting an experimental service of three half-hour programmes a week in May to watchers in Schenectady, New York. On September 11, 1928, the first television play was presented. The following year Baird began an experimental service in London, for which Televisors, as they were called, were available at 25 guineas. The screen was only the size of cigarette card, but could be enlarged to postcard size witha magnifier.

Friday, 27 June 2008

Law of Garbage Truck !

Law of Garbage Truck !One day A Man hopped in a taxi and took off for the airport . They were driving in the right lane when suddenly a black car jumped out of a parking space right in front of them. Taxi driver slammed on his breaks, skidded, and missed the other car by just inches! The driver of the other car whipped his head around and started yelling at us. Taxi driver just smiled and waved at the guy. And he was really friendly.
So I asked, "Why did you just do that? This guy almost ruined your car and sent us to the hospital!" Taxi Driver told he follows "The Law of the Garbage Truck."
He explained that many people are like garbage trucks. They run around full of garbage, full of frustration, full of anger, and full of disappointment. As their garbage piles up, they need a place to dump it and sometimes they'll dump it on you. Don't take it personally. Just smile, wave, wish them well, and move on. Don't take their garbage and spread it to other people at work, at home or on the streets.
The bottom line is that successful people do not let garbage trucks take over their day.. Life's too short to wake up in the morning with regrets,
so..... "Love the people who treat you right.. Pray for the ones who don't."
Life is ten percent what you make it and ninety percent how you take it!
______ K.S.V.P.,.,., (

Friday, 13 June 2008


'Remember that what's right isn't always popular... and what's popular isn't always right.'
Everybody makes mistakes; that's why they put erasers on pencils. ___ K.S.V.P.,.,.,

Monday, 9 June 2008

Protect your child from hidden hunger__Deccan Chronicle

According to a study by the National Institute of Nutrituion, about 50 percent of healthy looking school children aged between six and 16 years suffer from 'hidden hunger' or micronutrient dificiency.


The World Health Organisation calls the nutrients as micronutrients because they are needed only in minuscule amounts (100mg per day), but these enable the body to produce enzymes, hormones and other substances essential for proper growth and development. These include dietary substances like iron, cobalt, cholin, carnitine, copper, iodine, zinc, etc.,


Consulting paediatrician, Dr. Krian Krishnamurthi feels there's no doubt that changing lifstyle have taken a toll on the diet. "Diets, especially of children, tend to be, high in carbs, refined flour and refined sugar in the form of pasta, pizzas and noodles. They are easily available, highly marketed and advertised, convenient to make besides being tempting. Because of this, and not to mention parental ignorance, children's hunger tends to be satiated with unhealthy calories. This puts fruits and vegetables (the chief source of micronutrients) very low on the priority list," she says.


T. Raghubani, chief dietician of Mediciti Hospital points out the subtle symptoms and adverse effects of hidden hunger, which may be quite dangerous in later life. "The child may be somewhat lethargic, lack adequate concentration, shy away from sports or extra curricular activities. This inadequate mental growth is due to the deficiency of micronutrients cholin and carnitine. The child may not reach the optimum weight and height corresponding to his or her age, may be anaemic, have a relatively low appetite, develop breathing difficulty due to low haemoglobin count, dip in immunity level and will be easily prone to infection.:
A balanced diet right from infancy, healthy, energising drinks, giving fast food to the kids as a treat once a week and not daily as a meal are some of the ways to prevent micronutrient deficiency. Mother of two children Kanchan Rajgor says, "I find working parents hardly have time to make wholesome nutritious tiffin for their children. So, most of the times, they opt for easy to cook, instant food. Also, children have a tendency to eat junk food like pizzas, burgers and noodles, which taste good but lack nutritional value. Therefore, I give my kids healthy homemade food that appeals to their taste buds too."
Dr. Krishnamurthi concludes, "Parents should ensure that the shopping bag looks colourful with all the different coloured fruits and vegetables. Include red, yellow, orange, green and white fruits and vegetables in their diet as much as possible. Also, give your child a wholesome tiffin comprising vegetables Paratha, roti and sabji, or whole wheat bread sandwich."


Bitterness is like cancer. It eats upon the host. But anger is like fire. It burns all the clean.__Maya Angelou


A difference of a taste in jokes is a great strain one the affections.__ George Eliot


A cynic is a person who, when he smells flowers, looks around for a coffin.__ H.L. MENCKEN

Criticise but don't comment....Deccan Chronicle

Relationships are dicey. Often, it becomes tricky to convey truth without hurting the person. It could be a hairstyle gone wrong, clothes that don't suit the person or poor hygiene habits. In the movie "Friends with Money", one of the characters gets upset with her husband for asking her to watch what she eats, and thinks he is being insensitive.
Psychotherapist Dr. Vinaya Prabha Baligar suggests ways to tactfully get your point across. "Never make a comment about the person but always about his/her behaviour, because behaviour can be changed but personality cannot." The first thing to do, she suggests, is to make a list of the traits that you would prefer changed and those that you can adjust to. "Then check your intentions -- if it is to show that you are better than the other person, be certain that what you say will not be received well. If it is to give genuine feedback, the reaction will be positive."
Dr Vinaya Prabha, who practices counselling at Bangalore, recommends starting with a positive remark so that the receiver is ina pleasant state of mind. "Then state the 'negative' behaviour that you want changed. If you are misunderstood in spite of good intentions, then understand that the other person is not open to receiving any negative comments from you. You could then get another person to whose comments the person is open."
The person at the receiving end also has to take things in the right spirit for the relationship to work. "Perceive the comment as one meant to help you," says Dr. Vinaya Prabha. "Understand that constructive feedback helps us improve our relationships and ourselves. And only another person who genuinely cares for our well being can give us such feedback."

Hospitals_in_Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India_Phone Numbers

Cancer Hospital, Near Nilopher Hospital, Redhills, Lakdikapool__ Ph.No.: 040-23318422/414
Government Chest hospital, Erragadda__ Ph: 040-23814421
Osmania General Hospital,__ PH: 040-24600122
E.S.I., Erragadda __ Ph: 040-23700531
Government Meternity Hospital, Koti __ Ph: 040-24653647
King Koti Hospital, King Koti __ Ph: 040-24756085
Millitary Hospital __ Ph: 040-27792580
Mental Hospital , Erragadda__ Ph: 040-23814441
Railway Hospital, Secunderabad__ Ph: 040-27001134
Sarojinidevi Eye Hospital, Mehadipatnam __ Ph: 040-23317274
State Tuberculosis Hospital __ Ph: 040-23811797

Friday, 6 June 2008


Robert: Hey mary, when you are going to celebrate your Birthday? and what gift you are expecting from me...
Mary: Tomorrow is my birthday, i want a "ring" as a gift from you......
Robert: Is that from my Cell Phone or my Landline Phone........?


Teacher: hey jack do you know the formula of water?

Jack: H I J K L M N O

TEACHER: Hey, are you mad..... tell me the correct answer...

Jack: You only told it is H to O....


Teacher: students.. in the next week only your examinations are going to start. If you have got any doubts, please ask me.
Students: sir, .... do you have any idea ... "In which Printing Press our questions papers are being printed...?"

Thursday, 5 June 2008


When there is oppression, the only self-respecting thing is to rise and say this shall cease today, because my right is justice.... SAROJINI NAIDU

Be Happy...

Be happy, no matter how hard it may seem. When life gives you 100 reasons to cry, show the world you have a millions reasons to smile....,,,


A husband and wife entered the dentist's office. The husband said, "I want to tooth pulled. I don't want gas or Novocain because I'm in a terrible hurry. Just pull the tooth as quickly as possible."
"You're a brave man," said the dentist. "Now, show me which it is."
The husband turns to his wife and says, "Open your mouth and show the dentist which tooth it is, dear."

Thursday, 29 May 2008

Some Sights to Learn Basic Computers.....


Packers and Movers_Hyderabad

Leo packers & Movers - 040-27848085
Ravi Packers & Movers - 9391022168
R.K. Packers & Movers - 9347238802
Safe Packers & Movers - 040-27813520
Reliable Packers & Movers - 040-27742555
J.B. Reliable Packers & Movers - 040-27120222
Sahara National Packers & Movers - 9989051161
DHL Packers & Movers - 040-64509887
Ganapathi Packers & Movers - 040-32459192
Skyland Packers & Movers - 040-64509887
Sadaran Packers & Movers - 040-32423414
Deepak Packers & Movers - 9346771640
Goyal Packers & Movers - 040-24520363
Tirupathi Balaji Packers & Movers - 9390354341

AirLines Offices__Hyderabad

Air India Airport Office --- 040-23389711(2)
Air Deccan Airport Office --- 040-27902794
Call Centre - 9849677008
Indigo Airpot Office --- 040-27905136(7)(8)
Call Centre - 1800227722
Indian Airlines Office - 23299333/1407
Jet Airways Call Centre - 040-39893333
Kingfisher Call Centre - 18002333131
Pyaramount Airport Office - 040-27904964 (65) (67)
Spicejet Call Centre - 18001803333
Maleshian Airlines - 040-66624680
Singapoor Airlines - 040-23402873
Srilanka Airlines - 040-23372429/30

Police Division__Hyderabad

City Police Commissioner (Prasada Rao) - 9490616000
Additional Police Commissioner (Traffic) (Koumudhi) - 9490616127
Additional police Commissioner Crime (Narsimhareddy) - 9490616002
Middle Phase DCP (Hari Kumar) - 9490616301
South Phase DCP (Athul Singh) - 9490616476

Cyberabad Commissioner (Prabhakar Reddy) - 9440627333
Traffic DCP (Munuswamy) - 9490617205
DCP Crime (Suryaprakasharao) - 9490617204
Cyberabad Police Control Room - 9490617100
Toal Room - 9490617100

Railway information__Hyderabad

The phone nos. for the railway reservation are 139/1345.

To get complete information about the train timings please visit the sites,

To get e-Ticket

Emergency Services__ Hyderabad

POLICE --- 100
FIRE --- 101
Ambulance Services

Ambulence --- 108
Apollo Hospital --- 040-23607777
Care Hospital Banjarahills --- 040-30418888
Care Hospital Nampalli --- 040-30417777
Global Hospital Lakdikapool --- 040-23244444
Global Hospital Banjarahills --- 040-23314567
Medwin Nampalli --- 040-23202902
24 hours Pharmacies.
Apollo Pharmacy --- 040-23231380
Jublihills Apollo --- 040-23607777
Kamineni Pharmacy ---040-24022272
Medwin Pharmacy --- 040-66517777
Care Hospital, Nampalli --- 040-66517777
Kuli Kuthubshah Medicals
Osmania Hospital -------- 040-24606522
Yashoda pharmacy, Somajiguda ---- 040-23319999
Blood Banks
Banjikiraj blood bank --- 040-24745243
Narayanaguda ---- 040-27567892
Chiranjeevi Blood Bank --- 040-23559555
Lions Club Busy Rajka Blood Bank --- 040-32411317
Metadin goal --- 040-23226624

Red Cross

Vidyanagar --- 040-27633087
Redhills --- 040-233909956
I.T.M.R. ---040-23319491
Maithri Choritable - 040-27550238

Wednesday, 28 May 2008

Phone Nos. of Universities, Andhra Pradesh, INDIA

JNTU_UNIVERSITY__ Ph: 040-23156109, 23156112
Dr. B.R. AMBEDKAR OPEN UNIVERSITY__ Ph: 040-23544910, 040-23544830
OSMANIA UNIVERSITY__ Ph: 040-27098048, 040-27682364, 040-27098003
TELUGU UNIVERSITY__ Ph : 040-23234815, 040-23236911
A.N.G.R. AGRICULTURAL UNIVERSITY__ Ph: 040-24015035, 24015031
NALSAR UNIVERSITY OF LAW__ Ph: 040-23498102, 08418-245174
HYDERABAD UNIVERSITY __ Ph: 040-23132000, 23011090
Andhra University, Vishakapatnam __ Ph: 0891-2844222, 2844333, 2755547, 2525611
Sri Venkateswara University, Tirupathi__ Ph: 0877-2289345, 2289412, 2289555
Kakatiya University, Varangal__ Ph: 0870-2439966, 2439600
Aacharya Nagarjuna University, Nagarjuna Nagar, Guntur__ Ph: 0863-2293238, 2293378
Srikrishna Devaraya University, Ananthapuram __ Ph: 08554-255231, 255244
Telangana University, Nijamabad__ Ph: 08462-222525, 645665
Aadi Kavi Nannaya University, Rajamandri __ Ph No: 0883-2472618, 2472615
Yogi Vemana University, Kadapa __ Ph No.: 08562-225411, 225423, 225419
Mahatma Gandhi University, Nalgonda __ Ph.No.: 08682-222890, 222893
Shri Padmavathi Womens University, Thirupathi ___ Ph.No.: 0877-2248417, 2284568
Dr. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad ___ Ph. No.: 040-23544910, 23544830
Dravida University, Kuppam ___ Ph.No.: 08570-278236, 278209


A fool went to watch a movie...

The clerk observed the fool, who is coming to buy a ticket for the fourth time.... and asked, why he is coming 4 times if he wants 4 tickets, and told 'you can take the 4 tickets at a time?
Then the fool answered, 'No, i want only 1 ticket, but the person who stood at the entrance is tearing my ticket, every time i show that to him to enter inside.......
That's why.....



A judge has fine Rs. 100 to a thief for his mistake...

But the thief told the judge that he is having Rs. 50 only in his pocket, and if the judge gives time then he will arrange the balance Rs. 50.....

Then the judge told,, ' No, i will not permit you to go ... by sending to your home you bring that Rs. 50 and pay the fine.....'

Then the thief said, ' How can i maintain a balance of Rs. 50 in my house, If you give permission to wander in the premises of this court... then i will automatically earn Rs. 50... and the same i will pay you as a fine.......................................,.,.,.,.,


A doctor is conducting a health checking camp in a convent.....

While examining a kid...
"Hey, have you got any problems with your nose and ears.,.,.,.,.,"

Kid: then the kid said "ya, while removing my T-Shirt they are the big obstacles.......


One person while going on his bicycle...

His son who is sitting on the back of his bicycle is crying with a very louder voice....

by observing this, a person on the way asked the cyclist ... hey why aren't you taking care of your child who is crying....
Then the cyclist said, i am wantedly forcing my child to cry, as my bicycle doesn't has got a bell.............

Tuesday, 27 May 2008

Colleges in Krishna District, Andhra Pradesh, India

Engineering colleges in Krishna District, A.P., INDIA

1) Prasad Institute of Technology & Sciences, Vidyanagar, Jaggaiahpet, Krishna Dist.,

2) SRK Institute of Technology, Enikepadu, Krishna Dist., PIN: 521108.

3) Amritha Sai Institute of Science and Technology, Near Paritala Bypass, NH-9, Amritha Sai Nagar, Ganalakuru Road, Kanchikacherla, Krishna Dist., PIN: 521180

4) Gudlavalleru Engineering College, Gudlavalleru, Krishna Dist., PIN: 521356

5) Lakkireddi Balireddi Engineering College, LBR Nagar, Mallavaram, Krishna Dist., PIN: 521 230.

6) Nirma College of Engineering and Technology, Ibrahimpatnam, Krishna Dist.,

7) SRA College of Architecture, Agiripalli, Krishna Dist.,

8) Sri Saradhi Institute of Engineering Nuziveedu, Krishna Dist.,

9) VR Siddardha Engineering College, Kanur, Krishna Dist.,

10) SVH College of Engineering Potepalle, Machilipatnam, Krishna Dist.,


1) Akkineni Nageswara Rao College - Post Graduate Department of Business Administration, Gudiwada, Krishna Dist., PIN: 521301.

2) Hindu College, Machilipatnam.
Dental Colleges:

1) Drs Sudha & Nageswara Rao, Siddartha Institute of Dental Sciences, Chinaoutpally, Gannaam (M), Krishna Distt.

Homeopathi colleges:

1) Dr. Gururaju Govt, Homeopathic Medical College, Gudiwada, Krishna Dist.,

Nursing Colleges :

1) Dr. Pinnamaneni Siddartha institute of Medical Sciences & Research Foundation School of Nursing, Chinnaoutpalli, Gannavaram (M), Krishna Distt.,

2) Florance Nightingale College of Nursing, Sibar Cancer Hospital Campus, Eedupugallu, Kankipadu (M), Krishna Distt., PIN: 521144.

3) Gifford Memorial Hospital of 7th day Adventists, Nuziveedu (P), Krishna Distt,

4) Grace School of Nursing, Buttaipet, Machilipatnam, Krishna Distt.,

Pharmasy colleges :

1) Nova College of Pharmaceutical Education & Research, Jupudi (P), Ibrahimpatnam (M), Krishna Distt.,

B.Ed. Colleges:

1) Nova College of Education Ibrahimpatnam (M), Krishna Dist., PIN: 521456

2) Siddartha College of Education, Vijayawada, PIN: 521110

3) SPMH College of Education Edepalli, Machilipatnam, Krishna Distt., PIN : 521001

4) Andhra Jateeya College of Education, Machilipatnam, Krishna Distt.,

5) Akkineni Nageswara Rao College of Education, Gudiwada, Krishna Distt.,

6) District Institute of Education and Training (DIET) , Angaluru, Krishna Distt., PIN: 521330

7) Vikas College of Education C/o Saraswathi Vidyapeetham, Vissannapet (P), Krishna Distt.,

8) Montessory Mahila College of Education, Venkateswarapuram, Vijayawada-10.

Hotel Management colleges:

1) Siddartha Institute of Hotel Management Catering Technology, Siddartha Nagar, Vijayawada-10

Good Sayings_32

621. To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart.


622. Everyone is trying to accomplish something big, not realizing that life is made of little things.


623. The mind is not a vessel to be filled, but a fire to be ignited.


624. The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.


625. What you get by achieving your goals is not as important as what you become by achieving your goals.


626. If you do not wish to be forgotten as soon as you are dead, either write things worth reading or do things wroth writing.


627. Birds are entangled by their feet and men by their tongues.__Thomas Fuller


628. Be friendly towards others, and friends will soon flock around you.


629. By admitting that you are wrong, you indicate that you are wiser today than you were yesterday.


630. The person who knows one thing and does it better than anyone else, even if it only be the art of raising lentils, receives the crown he merits. If he raises all his energy to that end, he is a benefactor of mankind and its rewarded as such... OG MANDINO


631. No great deed, private or public, had ever been undertaken in a bliss of certainity.. LEON WIESELTIER


632. The first rule of business, is never sell something you love. Otherwise, you may as well be selling your children... HUGH MACLEOD


633. Books are the way the ded talk to the living...LAURIE ANDERSON


634. A man in love with a woman, or a woman in love with a man is no longer able to see clearly. The mind becomes clouded, the desire creates so much smoke, it raises so much dust that you can't see clearly. And whatsoever you see is your own projection...... OSHO


635. By three methods we may learn wisdom: First, by reflection, which is noblest; Second, by imitation, which is easiest; and third by experience, which is the bitterest... CONFUCIUS


636. A well-developed sense of humour is the pole that adds balance to your steps as you walk tightrope of life... WILLIAM A. WARD


637. Growing old is no more than a bad habit which a busy person has no time to form... ANDRE MAUROIS


638. And for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainity, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human..... WILLIAM GIBSON


639. Every gun that is made, every warship launched, every rocket fired, signifies in the final sense a theft from those who hunger and are not fed, those who are cold and are not clothed.... DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER


640. The number of books will grow continually, and one can predict that a time will come when it will be almost as difficult to learn anything from books as from the direct study of the whole universe. It will be almost as convenient to search for some bit of truth concealed in nature as it will be to find it hidden away in an immense multitude of bound volumes.... DENIS DIDEROT


Monday, 19 May 2008

Good Sayings-31

601. If we don't charge, we don't grow. If we don't grow, we aren't really living.
602. To change and to change for the better are two different things.
603. Don't let life discourage you; everyone who got where he is had to begin where he was.
604. The whole world steps aside for the man who knows where he is going.
605. An expert is someone who knows more and more about less and less. Until eventually he knows everything about nothing.
606. We must use time wisely and forever realise that the time is always ripe to do right.
607. Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.
608. It is better to die on your feet than to live on your knees!
609. Learn from yesterday, life for today, hope for tomorrow.
610. Where there is great love, there are always wishes.
611. By viewing the old we learn new.
612. The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.
613. Who one can whistle a symphony. It takes a whole orchestra to play it.
614. A man should first direct himself in the way he should go. Only then should he instruct others.__Buddha
615. The important thing in life is not the triumph but the struggle.
616. Do not seek to follow in the footsteps of the wise. Seek what they bought.
617. If you find a path with no obstacles it probably doesn't lead anywhere.
618. The most important thing in life is to learn how to give out love, and to let it come in.
619. Leadership is the art of getting someone else to do something you want done because he wants to do it.
620. You are what you think. You are what you go for. You are what you do.

Thursday, 8 May 2008


Swamiji, please give me a remedy, as i am not able to tolerate my wife.
Please give me the Heart Strength ... so that i can takle with my wife....
Then Swamiji said, hey mad fellow, if i am of that capable of takling my wife, why should i become a monk,,,,,,,


Pune with the Officer::: Day before yesterday a lot of money i paid to the doctors as my fingers were crushed by falling in the machine, so sir I sincerely request you to sanction the amounts for the bills i submitted regarding that accident.
Officer with the pune::: ok, Sure
Pune with the Officer::: Sir, You have to increase my salary as i am going to marry....
Officer with the Pune::: See my dear, Company is not responsible for the accidents that happen out side this office......


Q::: Hey, is there any change in your husband after admitting him in a mental hospital ?....
Answer::: .....Ya, Before he used call himself as a king, now he is calling me also as his Queen.....

Tuesday, 6 May 2008

Tomorrow is another day__Rupali Nayar

It was a cold evening and the young man hurried along clutching his coat tightly around him. He had to get hime on time. He had promised to take his children out for the movie and he wanted to be in time to take a quick bath before they set off. Too bad that his car had broken down.
His wife constantly told him that his children never saw enough of him and today the young man was in some way trying to make up for all the time he spent at work. But what could he do? He was the sole bread - earner in the family and that meant working twice as hard. Sometimes when he came home he was so exhausted that all he wanted was to crawl into bed without even talking to anyone, leave alone having dinner. He was lucky, he thought, to have a wife like Rita. She never complained about his late hourse and she looked after the home and the children very well.
She had once been a famous dancer but had met with an accident that had seen her permanently in a wheel chair. Yet, she took her fate in her stide and never said a word about her life before her accident. Yes, the young man thought, he was lucky to have her and their beautiful kids. Their home was lovely too, thought the man as he walked one more rapidly. By now the wind was howling around him and the first drops of rain had begun to fall. Almost running, the man thought of the disappointment on his children's faces if he did not make it back on time. He looked at his watch. He had all of 10 minutes to get back home. By now the rain was almost blinding him. He was soaked to the skin, but his efforts at getting home doubled. Running across the road he narrowly missed being hit by a car. But this did not deter the man. Now he could see the lights of his home and when he opened the gate he found that he was completely out of breath. Pausing for a while he looked at his watch. It had stopped! It still showed that he had 10 minutes to get back home if he wanted to make it to the movies.
As it happened he was late. His wife had been waiting and so had the children. Trey hurled themselves into his arms and he began to tell them about his difficulty in reaching the house, of his near accident and of the rain.
Then he asked his wife what the time was. And when she told him, he was stunned. It had taken him more than two hourse to get back! He turned to his wfie and apologised. He should have started out earlier. But his wife looked at him and then at herself on the wheelchair. "I Was so worried about you. I couldn't have managed the house if anything had happened to you," she said. "We can always go for the movies, after all tomorrow is another day."

The Great Sphinx

Centuries of history lie at the feet of the Great Sphinx at Giza. And along with the passage of time many myths and legends have come to be associated with this magnificent statue that has a man's head and a lion's body. Standing some 66 feet high and 240 feet long, the Sphink's head measures 19 feet from forehead to chin and each paw extends 56 feet forward from the body.
***** The sheer size of the Sphinx and its impressive form made many believe that it had been placed in its position as guardian of the pyramids by the gods themselves. A powerful symbol in ancient Egypt, the lion represented strength and courage. It was also thought to be supreme guardian of the kings as it sometimes accompanied them into battle - its sheer physical presence and form was symbolic of protecting the troops. The Sphinx therefore was a combination of two symbols: a lion god and a human god (the king of pharaoh) rolled into one statue. Some say that the Great Sphinx at Giza bears the face of the ruling pharaoh at the time of construction: Chephren.
*****But the Sphinx isn't limited to Egypt, it was also found in ancient Phoenician, Syrian and Greek societies. In Greek mythology, the Sphinx was a monster with the head and breasts of a woman, the body of a lion and the wings of a bird. Greek legend has it that the Sphinx ate all the travellers who tried to enter the city Thebans unless they were able to answer the riddle it put before them - "What is the creature that walks on four legs in the morning, two legs at noon and three in the evening?"
*****Most travellers couldn't answer the riddle and were quickly devoured until a man called oedipus solved the ridde - "The four limbs as a baby, walks upright on two as an adult, and walks with the aid of stick in the old age."
*****Hearing the correct answer, the Sphinx is said to have killed himself. Once this happened, the Thebans made oedipus their king.

Improve your English Language___1

General Rules:--

While writing try and guard against the tendency of using euphemisms. A euphemism is a word or phrase that is substituted for language that the writer feels may be either offensive or too blunt.
Example:- She died in her sleep - She passes away in her sleep or She met her maker in her sleep etc.,
Example:- During the war, there were bombing raids all across the country - During the war, there were surgical air-strikes all across the country.
Example:- The US army went into XYZ to control the riots, loot and arson in the capital - The US peace-keeping force went into XYZ to control the riots, loot and arson in the capital.
Your writing should tell the truth and not couch it in euphemisms. Here are some other things to keep in mind. Many of us make a mistake when we use the words affect and effect. "Affect" is usually a veryb, which means "to influence"
Example: Please let me know if my grammar is going to affect marks in English.
"Effect" is usually a noun, which means "result"
Example: This is a new rule that goes into effect tomorrow.__
Another thing to keep in mind is that the word 'data' is plural. The singular is 'datum'.__
Always distinguish between the words that and which. The rule of thumb here is - use which (always followed by a comma when introducing non-essential information) and use that (never folloer by a comma when introducing essential information).
Try and avoid using colloquial expressions like hook up, burn out, write up etc. Instead use connect, damage/destroy, report/essay/document.

Monday, 5 May 2008


To be able to realise God, one must practise absolute continence. Sages like Shukadeva are examples of an Urdhvareta. Their chastity was absolutely unbroken. There is another class, who previously have had discharges of semen, but who later on have controlled them. A man controlling the seminal fluid for twelve years develops a special power. He grows a new inner nerve called the nerve of memory. Through this nerve he remembers all he understands all.
Loss of semen impairs strength. But it does not injure one if one loses it in a dream. That semen one gets from food. What remains after nocturnal discharge is enough. But one must not know a woman.
The semen that remains after nocturnal discharge is very "refined'. The Lahas kept jars of molasses in their house. Every jar had a hole in it. After a year they found that the molasses had crystallised like sugar candy. The unnecessary watery part had leaked out through the hole.

Does it mean that in order to practise Brahmacharya one should remain a bachelor throughout life?__Swami Vivekananda

If one can remain a bachelor in order to achieve high ideals and has enough strength, one can certainly do so. But for students practice of Brahmacharya is an essential discipline. Even married people can practise Brahmacharya. There are different rules for them.

If everyone practises Brahmacharya, How will the creation go on?__Swami Vivekananda

Since we have not created this world, why should we bother about it? It is God who has created it and therefore he will certainly take care of it. Moreover, in the Bhagvad Gita, Lord himself has declared lust and anger as most sinful and enemy of man here. People are born with different mentalities and tendencies. A person whose mind is full of inertia (tamas) is little better than an animal. His animal passions will not allow him even to think of the ideal of Brahmacharya.

What are the benefits of practising Brahmacharya?__Swami Vivekananda

It improves the power of concentration and memory. Vedic knowledge has come down to us only through the memory. Because of strict practise of Brahmacharya students of those days were able to retain the entire Vedas in their memory. Sexual energy when converted into Ojas, strengthens the brain and the nervous system. It helps to deelop mental strength to face challenges in life and sharpens the intellectual faculty. It helps to control the negative emotions such as anger, hatred, jealousy, fear, etc., opens up the reflective and creative faculties of the practitioner and enable him to manifest great talents, creativity and originality. Practice of Brahmacharya also helps us to improve physical health, increases resistance and immunity which keeps a person away from all types of diseases. Most of the psychological problems are caused by animal passion. Brooding over lustful thoughts leads to mental problems, which can be easily avoided by the practise of Brahmacharya. Finally, Brahmacharya leads to spiritual awakening and development of divine qualities such as love, compassion, devotion, gentleness, courage, confidence, fearlessness, forbearance, contentment, tranquility of the mind, etc.


Those you who have studied that most beautiful of all the Upanishads, the Katha, will remember how the king was going to make a great sacrifice and instead of giving away things that were of any worth, he was giving away cows and horses that were not of any use, and the book says that at that time Shraddha entered into the heart of his son, Nachiketa. I would not translate this word Shraddha to you, it would be a mistake; it is a wonderful word to understand, and much depends on it; I am inferior to a few, but nowhere am i the last, I can also do something.: And this boldness increased, and the boy wanted to solve the problem which was in his mind, the problem of death. The solution could only be got by going to the house of Death, and the boy went. There he was, brave Nachiketa, waiting at the house of Death for three days, and you know how he obtained what he desired. What we want is this Shraddha, Unfortunately, it has nearly vanished from India, and this is why we are in our present state. What makes the difference between one man and another is the difference in this Shraddha and nothing else. What makes one man great and another weak and low is this Shraddha. My Master used to say, "He who thinks himself weak will become weak" and that is true. This Shraddha must enter into you. Whatever material power you see manifested by the Western races is the outcome of this Shraddha, because they believe in their muscles and if you believe in your spirit, how much more will it work! Believe in that infinite soul, the infinite power, which, with consensus of opinion, your books and sages preach. That Atman which nothing can destroy, in It is infinite power only waiting to be called out. For here is the great difference between all other philosophies and the Indian philosophy. Whether dualistic, qualified monistic, or monistic, they all firmly believe that everything is in the soul itself; it has only to come out and manifest itself. Therefore, this Shraddha is what I want, and what all of us here want, this faith in ourselves. Give up the awful disease that is creeping into our national blood, that idea of ridiculing everything, that loss of seriousness. Give that up. Be strong and have this Shraddha, and everything else is bound to follow.


The ideal of faith in ourselves is of the greatest help to us. If faith in ourselves had been more extensively taught and practised, I am sure a very large portion of the evils and miseries that we have would have vanished. Throughout the history of mankind, if any motive power has been more potent than another in the lives of all great men and women, it is that of faith in themselves. Born with the consciousness that they were to be great, they became great. Let a man go down as low as possible; there must come a time when out of sheer desperation he will take an upward curve and will learn to have faith in himself. But it is better for us that we should know it from the very first. Why should we have all these bitter experiences in order to gain faith in ourselves? We can see that all the difference between man and man is owing to the existence or non-existence of faith in himself. Faith in ourselves will do everything. I have experienced it in my own life, and am still doing so; and as I grow older that faith is becoming stronger and stronger. He is an atheist who does not believe in himself. The old religion says that he was an atheist who did not believe in God. The new religion says that he is an atheist who does not believe in himself. But it is not selfish faith, because the Vedanta, again, is the doctrine of oneness. It means faith in all, because you are all. Love for yourselves means love for all, love for animals, love for everything, for you are all one. It is the great faith which will make the world better. I am sure that. He is the highest man who can say with truth, " I know all about myself." Do you know how much energy, how many powers, how many forces are still lurking behind that frame of yours? What scientist has known all that is in man? Millions of years have passed since man first came here, and yet but one infinitesimal part of his powers has been manifested. Therefore, you must not say that you are weak. How do you know what possibilities lie behind that degradation on the surface? You know but little of that which is within you. For behind you is the ocean of infinite power and blessedness.
Faith, Faith, Faith in ourselves, faith, faith in God__ this is the secret of greatness. If you have faith in all the three hundred and thirty millions of your mythological gods, and in all the gods which foreigners have now and again introduced into your midst, and still have not faith in yourselves, there is no salvation for you. Have faith in yourselves, and stand up on that faith and be strong; that is what we need. Why is it that we three hundred and thirty millions of people have been ruled for the last one thousand years by any and every handful of foreigners who chose to walk over our prostrate bodies? Because they had faith in themselves and we had not.
An English boy will tell you, " I am an Englishman, and I can do anything." An American boy will tell you the same thing, and so will any European boy. Can our boys say the same thing here? No, nor even the boys' fathers. We have lost faith in ourselves. Therefore to preach the Advaita aspect of the Vedanta is necessary to rouse up the hearts of men, to show them the glory of their souls.
Have faith in man, whether he appears to you to be a very learned one or the most ignorant one. Have faith in man, whether he appears to be an angel or the very devil himself. Have faith in man first, and then having faith in man, believe that if there are defects in him, if he makes mistakes, if he embraces the crudest and the vilest doctrines, believe that it is not from his real nature that they come, but from the want of higher ideals. You give him the truth, and there your work is done. Let him compare it in his own mind with what he has already in him; and, mark my words, if you have really given him the truth, the false must vanish, light must dispel darkness, and truth will bring the good out. Put the good before them, see how eagerly they take it, see how the divine that never dies, that is always living in the human, comes up awakened and stretches out its hand for all that is good, and all that is glorious.

Thursday, 1 May 2008

H_E_R_O_ ----- Swami Vivekananda

"The earth is enjoyed by heroes - this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, 'I have no fear'. Tell this to everybody - 'Have no fear'. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in this world have proceeded from the evil spirit of fear."___Swami Vivekananda......

Secrets of Success

In all probability, you already know quite well that your success is dependent on your ability to sell yourself and your ideas to others. What your ideas to others. What you are most interested in is how to do it, how to accomplish this magic, how exactly to motivate and influence other human beings? To know the answer to this question, stop for a moment and ask yourself what makes you listen to some particular individual and accept his propositions? Why do you allow yourself to be influenced by one person and not by the other? Why do you ready this article and what makes you to spend your time reading these lines and not a sexy thriller? You must dispassionately and objectively think and analyse the facts and determine the true reasons. In the ultimate analysis, you will find that this article is serving your interests, it is meeting your wants, it talks about your requirements, it is concerned about your leadership, success and happiness. Anything that concerns you, vitally affects you, appears to benefit you and contributes to your happiness.


You are only too willing to be interested in what applies to you and what applies to all other normal human beings. All of us are basically interested in ourselves. All of us have several needs or wants. We are eager and keen to satisfy our wants or needs. We eagerly listen to and do the things which, we are sincerely convinced, will help us in realising our needs and happiness. There fore, when all you want in the world is the satisfaction and fulfilment of your wants and needs, you have first to think in terms of the other person's interests, wants, needs, desires, aspirations, ambitions, feelings, emotions, beliefs, faiths, opinions, views, psycho-personality characteristics and so on. It may appear contradictory and confusing on the face of it. If you want your wants to be met and goals to be achieved, why you waste your time thinking about other people, their interests, wants and goals? The answer is simple. You depend on others for your leadership and success. you have to motivate them and get their active, willing and eager co-operations. Hence, you have to think in terms of their wants and needs first. The correct understanding of this basic principle is the first step in motivating and influence people.

"To succeed do the best you can, where you are, with what you have."

Ralph Waldo Emerson, the great American statesman and his son were once trying to force a calf to leave the barn. But the calf was not interested in moving and that was that. The father shouted and the son yelled, there was quite a bit of commotion, but the calf did not even budge an inch. Just then their maidservant, attracted by the noises, arrived on the scene and saw that was happening. She put her thumb in the calf/s mouth and sucking her thumb it followed her out of the barn willingly and happily. It appeared the calf would have followed her to the end of the earth in that fashion. This incident narrated by Emerson in his writings proves the important principle of psychology for influencing and motivating others. You can make others do what if you stop to reflect and first understand what their needs are.

The right way to get people do things the way you want is not to compel them, drive them, push them or pull them, or for that matter even beg them or entreat them. It is the most difficult thing in the world to make an individual do anything against his will. The correct way is, therefore, to arouse a want in them and make them do, whether you want them to do willingly, happily and eagerly.

Ever Present Human Need

Every Human being, whether rich or poor, high or low, literate or illiterate, leader or follower, is always and ever hungry and thirsty for one thing. That is the need to feel important. He wants someone to show interest in him and in what he does. He craves to be recognised and appreciated genuinely and sincerely. He wants affection, warmth and friendship. He longs for appreciation and understanding. He likes to be heard. He favourably reacts at once when someone displays a keen, sincere and genuine interest in him. This is a standing, continuing, insatiable, perennial or ever present hunger on the part of all human beings. It is not a seasonal demand. Forever and always, from birth to death, all through the day and the year, people crave for importance, recognition, appreciation and love. There are no exceptions to this natural inborn human hunger and you and I share this nagging hunger. To become a successful leader, you must master the art of catering to the perennial hunger in the most effective way. You must satisfy this hunger and thirst fully to attain success and happiness by becoming a leader and gain your objectives. You must then start by taking genuine interest in other human beings. Learn to harmonise your needs with the wishes and wants of the other people. Think and talk of the other individuals's interests. You will then certainly go places. You will win. You will lead in a very big way. You will be crowned with success, glory and happiness.

Wednesday, 30 April 2008

Improve Yourself

The moment you decide to improve yourself in some specific way, you begin the process of becoming a better person.
If you dedicate yourself to the job of self-improvement, you will never be bored for lack of challenge, for want of adventure or for lack of opportunity.
It requires real insight, honesty and maturity to recognise areas needed requires wisdom to do something about those opportunities. You prove your wisdom by striving daily to improve yourself.
Invest your time in a regular programme of self-improvement and a personal 'fountain of youth' will be yours. Goethe advised: "To keep young, every day read a poem, hear a choice piece of music, view a fine painting and if possible, do a good action".__ Wisdom

Thursday, 17 April 2008

Self Confidence-- Key to Success__ Swami Paramarthananda

What we want is muscles of iron and nerves of steel. We have wept long enough. No more weeping, but stand on your feet and be men. It is a man-making religion that we want. It is man-making theries that we want. It is man-making education all round that we want. And here is the test of truth - anything that makes you weak physicall, intellectually, and spiritually, reject as poison; there is no life in it, it cannot be true. Truth is strengthening. Truth is purity truth is all knowledge.__ Swami Vivekananda.......


1) Introduction:

"He is an atheist who does to believe in himself. The old religion said that he was an atheist who did not believe in God. The new religion says that he is an atheist who does not believe in himself."__ Swami Vivekananda.


Blaming others for anything and everything has become a chronic disease with us. Why should we expect someone to come and help us? To depend on others is slavery. No good comes of blaming fate, karma or circumstances. Only a man of confidence can convert challenge into an opportunity. Confidence is not a gift of God. It has to be cultivated with self-effort and diligence. Success stories of great people reveal the truth that in spite of their tremendous confidence they were not always successful. But the only difference between ordinary people and great ones is this: great people never consider defeats and failures into stepping stones to success. Ordinary people get discouraged and stop moving further. Great people are fully aware of the power within themselves, capable of overcoming huge obstacles and continuing their march till they reach their desired goal.


"The fool never begins a work for fear of failure; the mediocre gives up in the middle, frustrated by obstruction; but the man of confidence never gives up, in spite of failures, till the goal is reached," says Bhartruhari, the poet. (Nitishatakam:27)


(ii) Self-confidence Vs Ego:


There is a very thin line dividing confidence and ego. Most of the time we get confused and fail to decide whether we are on the right track or our ego is dominating in the guise of confidence. When ego is dominates, every success turns into failure. One has to be very careful about it. How to distinguish between confidence and the ego? Here are some points to clarify this doubt.

a) A man of confidence says that he can do the work and others also can do it, whereas a man of ego says that he alone can do it and nobody else can.

b) A man of confidence always tries to encourage and help others in building their confidence, whereas a man of ego tries to curb and discourage others when they try to come up in life.

c) A man of confidence always attracts people. Even the weak feel confident and elevated in his presence and get inspiration in his company. Whereas an egoistic person creates repulsion in the minds of people who try to avoid him because of his boastful nature.

d) A man of confidence appreciates the success of others and shares his happiness with others. Whereas a man of ego discourages and humiliates others and feels jealous of the success of others.

e) There is joy in working with people of confidence because they are always cheerful and can mix freely with everybody. In the presence of egoistic people even the men of confidence feel an inferiority complex. They feel nervous to work with them.

f) A man of confidence always commands love and respect, whereas a man of ego always demands and expects love and respect.

g) Confident people are always successful in every field of life because they can conquer the hearts of all by putting their faith and confidence in others and receive all help and cooperation from colleagues and friends. A man of ego always suffers setbacks and failures losing men and power because of his arrogant approach which adds only to his worries and tension.

h) In one word, a man of Self-confidence puts his faith in the innermost Divine Self, the source of all power and energy, and also feels the presence of the Divine in everyone while dealing with them, whereas the egocentric person puts his faith only in his mental and intellectual abilities and skills, forgetting the Divine which operates through mind and intellect out of his ignorance. He applies the same standards while dealing with others. He is only aware of weaknesses and drawbacks of others and never realises that the perfect Divine is hidden behind these superficial appearances, and that can be awakened by constant training and positive approach.

iii) Self-confidence Vs. Over-Confidence:

There are two types of people: realistic and idealistic. Bother are needed for the betterment of society. Idealistic people need to develop a little practical wisdom to execute their ideas according to changing circumstances and should be a little liberal to accept slight modifications and adjustment in the practical field to work out their plans successfully. But if they stick to their ideology without realising ground realities, if they never try to listen to the people who are experts in execution because of their practical wisdom and working skills, and are stubborn and unwilling to accept any advice from anybody, they can be called overconfident people. For example, he who has never got into a plane trying to occupy the seat of the pilot, or one who has never held a gun is ready to go to the battlefield, or a person terribly afraid of water trying to cross ocean by swimming. What happened to the great warrior Abhimanyu, a courageous, heroic and bold person who was at the same time a bit over-confident. He knew how to enter into the labyrinth (Padmavyuh) but did not know how to come out of it. He thought that somehow he would be able to manage. His over-confidence cost him his life. Duryodhana also committed the same mistake. He knew the strength of Pandavas, whom Lord Krishna himself was protecting. Overconfident Duryodhana underestimated the strength of his opponents and lost everything.

Again, there are people with tremendous capacities to perform wonders but who are not aware of their own strength. They always undermine their ability and try to avoid the task. All they need is a little motivation, reminder and inspiration. The moment you awaken that giant within them they will do wonders.


Mahavir Hanuman had all power and strength within him to cross the ocean but he was not aware of that. When Jambhava reminded him of his strength, his confidence was awakened and he reached Ceylon jumping across the ocean in search of Mother Sita.

Mahatma Gandhi in his book My Experiments with Truth tells us how his teacher was an instrument for his learning Sanskrit when he had lost all confidence in himself. He writes: "Sanskrit, however, proved a harder task. In geometry there was nothing to memorise, whereas in Sanskrit, I thought, everything had to be learnt by heart. The boys used to talk among themselves that Persian was very easy. The easiness tempted me and one day I sat in the Persian class. The Sanskrit teacher was grieved. He called me to his side and said; 'I want to teach you students Sanskrit to the best of my ability. If you have any difficulty, why not come to me? As you proceed further, you will find in it things of absorbing interest. You should not lost hear; come and sit again in the Sanskrit class."

"Today I cannot but think with gratitude of Krishnashankar Pandya. If I had not acquired the little Sanskrit that I learnt then, I would have found it difficult to take any interest in our sacred books." How a little motivation and kind words of his teacher could instil confidence in the heart of Mohandas!

In spite of hard work and sound preparation, why are some students not able to succeed in examinations? Lack of self-confidence. The moment they enter the examination hall, the demon of fear robs them of self-confidence and makes them commit mistakes. All these things happen due to fear of examination. What to do in such a situation? Make your mind calm and tranquil. Give positive suggestions to your mind such as - the question paper is very easy, I know all the answers very well, I am not going to make even a single mistake. I am sure that I will get a very good rank this time. Then pray to God for two minutes to help you in concentrating your mind on the answers. Read all the questions carefully, understand them properly and with full confidence start writing your answers, and you will succeed. Same method can be applied before commencing any task if you feel nervous and diffident. Even Swami Vivekananda, renowned as an orator, felt nervous before the addressed a gathering of about seven thousand distinguished, critical and highly intellectual audience during the Chicago Parliament of Religions in 1893. In his own words, " Of course, my heart was fluttering and my tongue nearly dried up; I was so nervous, and could not venture to speak in the morning. I bowed down to Devi Saraswati and stepped up, and made a short speech." He addressed the audience as "Sisters and Brothers of America." It was only a short speech but created such an impact in the minds of the people that the whole of parliament was caught up in a great wave of enthusiasm.


How to build Self-Confidence

"What makes you weep, my friend? In you is all power. Summon up your all-powerful nature, O mighty one, and this while universe will lie at your feet. It is the Self alone that predominates and not matter."__ Swami Vivekananda

Though the potential strength is hidden within us, most of us are not able to utilise it. Right attitude, positive thinking, and firm faith alone can help us to manifest this hidden strength within us.


How do great people achieve success in life? They cultivate certain qualities in order to awaken the hidden confidence within themselves. Why not we also give a try if we wish to be great and successful in life?


1) Conviction:

The very first step in climbing the ladder of self-confidence is firm conviction about one's own ability. People are afraid of accepting challenges and responsibilities because they doubt their capacity to perform well; they underestimate themselves and lose wonderful opportunities in life. Such doubting Thomases will never be able to say with confidence that they can do anything and everything. So, never doubt your inner strength. You may not be aware at present, but believe that infinite power is lodged within you and will come out with all its glory when you sincerely call upon it by way of positive attitude. Swami Vivekananda said, "Never mind failures, they are quite natural they are the beauty of life, these failures. What would life be without them? I never heard a cow tell a lie, but it is only a cow-never a man. So never mind these failures, these little backslidings; hold on to the ideal a thousand times, and if you fail a thousand times make the attempt once more".

How true it is! Thomas Alva Edison, one of the greatest scientists, who made a series of inventions, had great conviction in his capacity. He had made over 1000 experiments before he succeeded in inventing the electric bulb. Though he was born in a poor American family and was dull in his studies, nothing could obstruct his path or prevent him from great achievements because of his firm faith in his inner strength.

" Great convictions are the mothers of great deeds".__Swami Vivekananda

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2) Hard Work:


Nothing great can come unless we work for it. Dreams can never become a reality without hard work.

" Fortune approaches him who is industrious. It is the weak-minded who says 'fate gives'. No acts are done by mere desires, they are done only by diligence. The deer does not enter the mouth of a sleeping lion. Men obtain the desired fruit by personal effort, while those wanting in manliness speak of destiny only. Neither the lazy nor those who depend solely on destiny fulfil their objective. Therefore one should persist in self-effort by all means." These are the words of scriptures.

"Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration," says Thomas Alva Edison.

There are many stories of success. Among them was a world renowned speaker, Demosthenes. How could he achieve that? He had a strong desire to become a powerful speaker. It was not an easy task for him. He had a stammer, added to that he was not able to speak long sentences at a stretch due to stage fear, a feeble voice and many such difficulties. But he could succeed through hard work. As per the doctor's advice he placed beads of flint on his tongue and tried to utter words clearly and loudly.

He would stand before the sea and deliver speeches in a loud voice. He spent almost 15 hours a day studying books of various interest and became a reservoir of knowledge. To perfect his manners and gestures, he would stand before a life-size mirror and deliver his speeches, bolting the room from inside. Hard work and sincere effort ultimately resulted in success, and he became a powerful and effective public speaker.


Let us have a high dream and work hard to manifest that hidden power within. By constant efforts success is bound to come.


"To succeed, you must have tremendous perseverance, tremendous will. 'I will drink the ocean', says the persevering soul, 'at my will mountains will crumble up'. Have that sort of energy, that sort of will, work hard and you will reach the goal," says Swami Vivekananda.

3) Will Power :

We are experts in taking vows and breaking them within no time. It is easy to take vows but difficult to keep them up. We need the will of Bhisma, who took a vow of life-long celibacy and practised it diligently. Weak minds always search for excuses. The mind is fickle and restless by nature, always ready to compromise and vacillate. Those who possess a strong will and are determined to achieve great things never listen to their minds. They are masters of their minds. They make their minds work for them to achieve higher things in life.

King Vishvamitra was arrogant and created problems for Sage Vashistha; but when he was humiliated by Vashistha, realising the strength of spiritual knowledge, he decided to become a Brahmarshi. He was caught in the web of Kama when Menaka tempted him into indulgence. He had to overcome all the impediments, such as anger, hatred, jealousy, pride, envy, delusion for the attainment of that state. He could succeed because of his tremendous will-power. He was never disheartened by failure. His determination and will-power helped him to awaken that confidence which in turn led him to success.


"You must not say that you are weak. How do you know what possibilities lie behind that degradation on the surface? You know but little of that which is within you. For behind you is the ocean of infinite power and blessedness."__ Swami Vivekananda.

4) Self-respect:


It is a well-known fact that men of hard work knowledge, wisdom, and perfection are always honoured and respected everywhere, whereas the ignorant, inefficient, lazy and dull people always face humiliation and insult. There are people who, in spite of being humiliated, insulted, warned several times, issued memos, scolded for their blunders and even punished, never try to improve themselves. They are people with a thick skin. They suffer, feel frustrated, face stress, undergo tension and worries, and all sorts of physical and mental problems; they take long leave in order to avoid humiliation, and try to escape by hook or by crook but don't want to change their attitude due to lack of self-confidence. But sensitive people consider humiliation, and try to escape by hook or by crook but don't want to change their attitude due to lack of self-confidence. But sensitive people consider humiliation worse than death and always try to improve in order to protect their honour and self-respect. Love for dignity and honour helps them to manifest hidden confidence within themselves and they rise to the occasion, and prove their mettle by accepting challenges in life.

The great poet Kalidasa was an illiterate and a dullard. Some pundits who had been defeated in discourse by a highly intelligent princess Vidyottama, got her married to Kalidasa in a deceitful manner out of jealousy. When the truth came out she felt greatly disturbed and admonished Kalidasa for his ignorance. His honour was at stake. He felt deeply hurt and humiliated. He took it as a challenge and decided to become a learned man. This feelings of self-respect ignited his confidence. He left home returned only after he had become a man of profound learnings.

5) Long Preparation:- It's not enough to manage things, but it is important to manage them well. Great things happen not out of magic or miracles but out of systematic preparation. Those who do not prepare well and try to manage things haphazardly always meet with embarrassment and utter failure. Most of the people keep on thinking about goals but do not pay attention to the minute details which will help them to achieve it. "Pay as much attention to means as to the end, " says Swamy Vivekananda. We all know that on 11th September 1893 Vivekananda became a world famous figure when he addressed the Parliament of Religions in Chicago. But we forget that success did not come even to the great Swamiji overnight. Preparation started from the day he came into contact with his Master, Sri Ramakrishna, at the age of 17. Sri Ramakrishna knew that his disciple Narendranath was going to become a world teacher, and he moulded his life accordingly. Training of the Guru, first-hand knowledge of the people during his wandering days, deep study of scriptures and different branches of knowledge, his love and compassion for the entire mankind, spiritual discipline and realisation of the ultimate reality were the factors behind his success. Without proper preparation no person can be confident of success.

"Pay as much attention to means as to the end".__Swami Vivekananda

6) Communication :-


Many have achieved success only through the power of perfect communication. There are people who can be compated with a huge storehouse of knowledge and information, but not always effective and inspiring due to lack of the communicative ability. If you can speak even a few words with confidence that will impress people and if you can impress people by your effective communication, it will boost your confidence. Many people talk, some are able to express, but a few are able to convey their ideas in an effective manner. Conquering people through arguments may give us confidence but will never lead to success. Convincing them through loving, affectionate, polite and pleasant language not only gives us confidence but leads to success. They may not be highly qualified or scholars, still they find a place in the hearts of many. The power of their magic words keep the listeners spell-bound.


Mahavir Hanuman was sent by Sugriva as a spy to enquire into the purpose of Sri Rama's entry into his territory. During the very first meeting Mahavir could conquer the heart of Sri Rama by his sweet, soothing, pleasant and polite language. Sri Rama had all praise for his skill of communication. Many lost confidence and feel nervous and depressed because of their poor expression.


Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel, the first Home Minister of Independent India, had a Herculean task before him. At that time India was divided into 554 states ruled by different kings and nawabs. 'Divide and rule' was the policy of the British Government. To convince 554 kings and to make them surrender was not an easy task. He was confident of his ability to convince them about the great cause. He could successfully accomplish that because of his effective communication. Except one or two, all were convinced about his views and surrendered their states to make India a great united power.

"It is only a few that understand the language of the brain, but everyone understands the language that comes from the heart."__ Swami Vivekananda


7. Commitment:


Commitment and confidence always go together. The moment we forget our commitment to a particular cause, we lose faith in ourselves and try to justify our weakness. How many people remember that they are the citizens of free India and are committed to serve the cause of the nation? Very few indeed. You can count them on the tips of your fingers. Mahatma Gandhi could have settled down in South Africa, but his commitment to his country forced him to return. Though the people did not believe him in the beginning, he was confident that he could win freedom for India through the power of non-violence.


Even when he was a student and wanted to go to London for higher studies, mother Putali Bai was not wholeheartedly willing to send him there fearing that Mohandas may not be able to resist temptation in a foreign land, and spoil his life. She wanted him to promise that he would never touch wine, meat and consequently associate with women during his stay there. Without a moment's hesitation, Mohandas agreed to her conditions. It was not an easy task for him. Many times temptations came, but his commitment to his mother saved him from all dangers and gave him tremendous confidence to overcome all difficulties in his path.

"Let the sage blame or let them praise; let the gooddess of fortune come or let her go wherever she likes; let death come today, or let it come in hudreds of years; he indeed is the steady man who does not move one inch from the way of truth."__Bhartrihari


8) Discrimination:


Sometimes even the so-called learned scholars lose confidence when they fail to discriminate between the real and the unreal, the right and thw rong, vice and virtue. This shows a lack of discrimination. Knowledge alone can make us free from all types of fears. Fear is the greatest enemy of man. People tell lies when they are afraid of punishment. A little sickness makes them depressed due to fear of death. They try to run away from the problems of life when they are afraid of failure. Arjuna, a great warrior and hero of the Mahabharata war, went to the battlefield with the intention to fight. But at the last minute he was overpower by grief and fear and lost confidence. He sat down, throwing away his bow, Gandiva, depressed and despondent Arjuna refused to fight. Though he was a man of knowledge, he forgot everything. Sri Krishna restored that knowledge again and made it clear that the soul is immortal and eternal whereas the body is mortal and ephemeral. There is no birth or death for the soul. Therefore, there was no need for him to be despondent. Ignorance of his real nature was the cause of his depression. When Sri Krishna dispelled it in a trice by granting him self-knowledge, he got back his lost confidence and became victorious.

"The earth is enjoyed by heroes - this is the unfailing truth. Be a hero. Always say, 'I have no fear'. Tell this to everybody - 'Have no fear'. Fear is death, fear is sin, fear is hell, fear is unrighteousness, fear is wrong life. All the negative thoughts and ideas that are in this world have proceeded from the evil spirit of fear."___Swami Vivekananda......


9) Definite Goal:


Many youngsters are not very clear about their goal in life. You can't begin your journey unless you are clear about your destination. You cannot proceed even a step unless you decide where you want to go. A clear-cut goal and a one-pointed concentration alone help us to manifest tremendous confidence.


We want to achieve many things at a time. Without singular devotion to the ideal, no great things can be achieved. Kalpana Chawla, born in a small town in Haryana, became the first Indian woman to travel in space only because she had fixed her goal when she was a mere child. Her biographer writes, "Kalpana would lie on her back and looka t the glittering stars in the skies during summer nights. Presumably, this was what ignited her dream to journey into space." She set her goal and never deviated from it though her advisers, parents and even the college principal tried to dissuade her from her choice of aeronautical engineering and suggested to her that she go for more popular fields like mechanical or electrical engineering. But the young Kalpana refused to be convinced and finally achieved her goal overcoming all the obstacles in her way. Her one-pointed devotion to her goal gave her the required confidence to suceed in life.

" Take up one idea, make that one idea your life; think of it, dream of it, live on that idea. Let the brain, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone. This is the way to success."__ Swami Vivekananda.


10) Love:-


Love is that magice word which works like a tonic to manifest instant confidence even in a moment. Love makes impossible things possible. Abraham Lincoln, the greatest president of the United States, got that confidence and courage to fight for the abolition of slavery through love. It was his love for mankind. His loving heart could not witness the sufferings of human beings who were treated worse than animals.


A young Irish woman, Miss Margaret Nobel, inspired by the speeches of Swami Vivekananda in London, decided to come to India and help Swamiji in his mission of upliftment of Indian women. What was that force which made her renounce everything and follow Vivekananda to India? It was her love for India. Swami Vivekananda could instil that love in her heart. This love in her heart for the masses and the women of India gave her great confidence to overcome all obstacles in her way. She served India by starting a school for giels in Kolkata and also took active part in India's freedom movement.

" Love opens the most impossible gates; love is the gate to all the secrets of the universe. Every step that has been really gained in the world has been gained by love".__ Swami Vivekananda


11) Concentration: God has given a unique instrument called the 'mind' to all living beings including animals. But He bestowed his special grace only on human beings in the form of freedom. Animals are controlled by nature, human beings are capable of conquering nature. This conquest is possible only through the power of concentration. Swami Vivekananda said, "Herein is the difference between man and animals - man has the greater power of concentration. The difference in their power of concentration also constitutes the difference between man and man. Compare the lowest with the highest man. The difference in the degree of concentration. This is the only difference."


Concentration leads to perfection, perfection to confidence, confidence leads to happiness. The concentrated mind is like a perfect instrument for achieving success in every walk of life. Creativity, talents, originality, scientific discoveries and inventions, fine arts and even spiritual truths discovered by the sage are the product of a concentrated mind. Especially for students and youth concentration is a must. It is impossible to acquire knowledge and working skills without adequate concentration. A restless mind leads to confusion, frustration, failures and various disasters.


How could Swami Vivekanands climb the pinnacle of success? Through the power of concentration. In other words, "Just two or three days before the entrance examination, I found that I hardly knew anything of geometry, so I began to study the subject, keeping awake the whole night and in twenty-four hourse I mastered the four books on geometry."


Because of this power of concentration Swami Vivekananda could master many subjects and become an encyclopedia of knowledge. Professor Wright of Harvard University was so deeply impressed by his erudite scholarship that he insisted that Swamiji should represent Hinduism at the Parliament of Religions, Chicago. On hearing from Swami that he was denied that opportunity since he could not produce the required credentials, the Professor himself introduced Vivekananda to the organizing committee in glowing words, "Here is a man who is more learned than all our learned professors put together. Asking him for credentials is asking the sun to state its right to shine!"


Concentration gave Narendranath knowledge, knowledge gave him confidence finally leading to success and made him the world conqueror Swami Vivekananda.

"Concentration is the essence of all knowledge; noting can be done without it. Ninety percent of thought force is wasted by the ordinary human being, and therefore he is constantly committing blunders; the trained man or mind never makes a mistake"__Swami Vivekananda

121) Strength:


Life is not always smooth like a bed of roses. Happiness and misery are two sided of the same coin. One needs to develop mental strength to digest them. Many a time a weak mind that is unable to withstand suffering invites only untold miseries. What happened to Dronacharya, when he heard the news of his son Ashwathama's death? He lost confidence on account of grief and finally lost his life. Anger, grief, hatred, jealousy, ego, fear, inferiority complex are the obstacles which make a person weak and bereft of confidence. But there are people who maintain equanimity even in the midst of crises. When Sardar Patel was arguing his case in court he received a telegram carrying the news of his wife's death. He was not perturbed by this and continued to argue till the end of the day, won the case in favour of his client and then broke the news of his wife's death. That is the sign of a healthy mind. Such people never lose their self-confidence even in the midst of a crisis.


Is anyone free from problems in this world? Without Struggle, there is no meaning for life. We have come to this world only to conquer difficulties. Today our youth are becoming so sensitive that for petty things they feel depressed so sensitive that for petty things they feel depressed and commit suicide. Success and failure are inevitable in life. Such a precious human birth is not meant for committing suicide. We have no right to destroy this body. It is a precious gift of God given to us to make the best use of it to achieve great things. Failures in examinations, a little scolding from parents, a petty quarrel with friends, a temporary financial problem, failure in love affairs, inferiority complex, unemployment, dowry harassment, these are the common reasons which force people to commit suicide. It is a great sin to commit suicide. It is not less terrible than committing murder. We are not the owner of this body, we are only the keeper. Therefore we have no right to destroy it. For every problem there is a solution: we need only a little patience and confidence. Let us develop mental strength and courage to face the problems of life and they will disappear in no time.___


All the powers in the universe are already ours. It is we who have put our hands before our eyes and cry that it is dark. Know that there is no darkness around us. Take the hands away and there is the light which was from the beginning. Darkness never existed, weakness never existed. We who are fools cry that we are weak; we who are fools cry that we are impure. Thus Vedanta not only insists that the ideal is practical, but that it has been so all the time; and this ideal, this Reality, is our own nature. Everything else that you see is false, untrue. As soon as you say, "I am a little mortal being," you are saying something which is not true, you are giving the lie to yourselves, you are hypnotising yourselves into something vile and weak and wretched.__Swami Vivekananda.

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